/*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* (c) Copyright Roger Lacroix 1998 | | | | Designed, developed and programmed by Roger Lacroix | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | Y2K v1.0 (Hopefully the last one!) | | | | Calculate how much is left before the year 2000. | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ current_year = substr(date('s'),1,4) if current_year >= 2000 then do say "Woo, we're now past the year 2000, today is "date('w') date('u') exit end current_day = date('D') if (1999 - current_year) > 1 then final_years = 1999 - current_year "years" else final_years = "" if current_year = "1998" then final_years = "1 year" if current_day = 365 then final_days = "" else final_days = 365 - current_day "days" current_hour = substr(TIME(),1,2) current_min = substr(TIME(),4,2) time_left = final_years final_days ( 23 - current_hour) "hours" (59 - current_min) "minutes" say "Time left until the Year 2000:" say "------------------------------" say time_left