File |
Size in KB |
Date |
Description |
282.9 |
1999/10 |
1492 by Mary Johnston |
169.6 |
1999/10 |
A Book of Scoundrels by Charles Whibley |
48.3 |
1999/10 |
A Brief History of the Internet by Michael S. Hart |
80.3 |
1999/10 |
A CHRISTMAS CAROL by Charles Dickens |
124.3 |
1999/10 |
A Daughter of Eve by Honore de Balzac |
62.2 |
1999/10 |
A Discourse on Method by Rene Descartes |
353.6 |
1999/10 |
A Distinguished Provincial at Paris by Honore de Balzac |
21.8 |
1999/10 |
A Drama on the Seashore by Honore de Balzac |
80.0 |
1999/10 |
A Dream of John Ball and A King's Lesson by William Morris |
409.7 |
1999/10 |
A Gentleman of France by Stanley Weyman |
377.7 |
1999/10 |
A History of Aeronautics by E. Charles Vivian |
245.9 |
1999/10 |
A Journal of the Plague Year by Daniel Defoe |
225.4 |
1999/10 |
A Lady of Quality by Francis H. Burnett |
59.3 |
1999/10 |
A Lute of Jade/Being Selections from the Classical Poets of China by L. Cranmer- by ng |
133.0 |
1999/10 |
A Personal Record by Joseph Conrad |
47.2 |
1999/10 |
A Plea for Old Cap Collier by Irvin S. Cobb |
42.2 |
1999/10 |
A Prince of Bohemia by Honore de Balzac |
21.3 |
1999/10 |
A Psychological Counter-Current in Recent Fiction by William Dean Howells |
77.4 |
1999/10 |
A Second Home by Honore de Balzac |
367.2 |
1999/10 |
A Simpleton by Charles Reade |
274.6 |
1999/10 |
A Smaller History of Greece by William Smith |
172.2 |
1999/10 |
A Start in Life by Honore de Balzac |
165.6 |
1999/10 |
A Story of To-day by Margret Howth |
377.9 |
1999/10 |
A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens |
287.8 |
1999/10 |
A Vanished Arcadia by R. B. Cunninghame Graham |
251.5 |
1999/10 |
A Visit to Iceland and the Scandinavian North by Madame Ida Pfeiffer |
203.3 |
1999/10 |
A Woman of Thirty by Honore de Balzac |
231.6 |
1999/10 |
A Young Girl's Diary Prefaced with a Letter by Sigmund Freud |
118.0 |
1999/10 |
Acres of Diamonds by Russell H. Conwell |
585.7 |
1999/10 |
Adam Bede by George Eliot [pseudonym of Mary Anne Evans] |
45.3 |
1999/10 |
Adieu by Honore de Balzac |
179.4 |
1999/10 |
Aeroplanes and Dirigibles of War by Frederick A. Talbot |
383.1 |
1999/10 |
AFTER DARK by Wilkie Collins |
122.0 |
1999/10 |
Albert Savarus by Honore de Balzac |
80.6 |
1999/10 |
Alexander's Bridge by Willa Cather |
178.9 |
1999/10 |
Almayer's Folly by Joseph Conrad |
103.3 |
1999/10 |
Alvira: The Heroine of Vesuvius by A. J. O'Reilly |
171.4 |
1999/10 |
America Through the Spectacles of an Oriental Diplomat by Wu Tingfang |
118.8 |
1999/10 |
American Hand Book of the Daguerreotype by Samuel D. Humphrey |
93.9 |
1999/10 |
An Account of Egypt by Herodotus |
20.5 |
1999/10 |
An Episode Under the Terror by Honore de Balzac |
52.1 |
1999/10 |
An Essay on Comedy by George Meredith |
249.3 |
1999/10 |
An Essay on the Trial By Jury by LYSANDER SPOONER |
218.9 |
1999/10 |
An Historical Mystery by Honore de Balzac |
12.1 |
1999/10 |
An Occurrence At Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce |
145.5 |
1999/10 |
An Old Maid by Honore de Balzac |
66.1 |
1999/10 |
An Old Town By The Sea by Thomas Bailey Aldrich |
519.1 |
1999/10 |
Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy |
283.9 |
1999/10 |
Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery |
220.2 |
1999/10 |
ANNE of the ISLAND by Lucy Maud Montgomery |
222.8 |
1999/10 |
Anne's House of Dreams by Lucy Maud Montgomery |
46.5 |
1999/10 |
Another Study of Woman by Honore de Balzac |
45.2 |
1999/10 |
Anthem by Ayn Rand |
40.9 |
1999/10 |
Appreciations of Richard Harding Davis by Various Authors of Some Repute |
53.7 |
1999/10 |
Areopagitica by John Milton |
106.0 |
1999/10 |
Arizona Sketches by Joseph A. Munk |
815.5 |
1999/10 |
Armadale by Wilkie Collins |
184.9 |
1999/10 |
Around the World in 80 Days by Jules Verne |
64.0 |
1999/10 |
At the Sign of the Cat and Racket by Honore de Balzac |
371.4 |
1999/10 |
Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis |
138.6 |
1999/10 |
Baby Mine by Margaret Mayo |
52.4 |
1999/10 |
Ballads of a Cheechako by Robert W. Service |
726.9 |
1999/10 |
Barnaby Rudge by Charles Dickens |
278.0 |
1999/10 |
Betty Zane by Zane Grey |
110.3 |
1999/10 |
Beyond the City by Arthur Conan Doyle |
160.3 |
1999/10 |
Big Dummy's Guide To The Internet by the Electronic Frontier Foundation [EFF] |
216.0 |
1999/10 |
Bird Neighbors by Neltje Blanchan |
150.1 |
1999/10 |
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell [English Quaker -- 1820-1878.] |
975.5 |
1999/10 |
Bleak House by Charles Dickens |
49.1 |
1999/10 |
Brother Jacob by George Eliot [Mary Anne Evans] |
88.2 |
1999/10 |
Bunner Sisters by Edith Wharton |
162.7 |
1999/10 |
Bygone Beliefs by H. Stanley Redgrove |
172.6 |
1999/10 |
Camille (La Dame aux Camilias) by Alexandre Dumas, fils |
469.0 |
1999/10 |
Captain Fracasse by Theophile Gautier |
48.2 |
1999/10 |
Captivity and Restoration by Mrs. Mary Rowlandson |
149.7 |
1999/10 |
Cast Upon the Breakers by Horatio Alger |
401.5 |
1999/10 |
Catherine de' Medici by Honore de Balzac |
196.8 |
1999/10 |
Catherine: A Story by William Makepeace Thackeray |
123.4 |
1999/10 |
Child Christopher by William Morris |
92.9 |
1999/10 |
China and the Manchus by Herbert A. Giles |
83.4 |
1999/10 |
Chita A Memory of Last Island by Lafcadio Hearn |
21.3 |
1999/10 |
Christ in Flanders by Honore de Balzac |
182.0 |
1999/10 |
Chronicles of Avonlea by Lucy Maud Montgomery |
129.5 |
1999/10 |
Clotelle; or The Colored Heroine by William Wells Brown |
50.3 |
1999/10 |
Cobb's Anatomy by Irvin S. Cobb |
102.2 |
1999/10 |
Codex Junius 11 |
113.5 |
1999/10 |
Confessions of an English Opium-Eater by Thomas De Quincey |
175.7 |
1999/10 |
Count Bunker by J. Storer Clousten |
198.4 |
1999/10 |
Court Life in China by Isaac Taylor Headland |
448.5 |
1999/10 |
Cousin Betty by Honore de Balzac |
326.5 |
1999/10 |
Cousin Pons by Honore de Balzac |
192.0 |
1999/10 |
Cow-Country by B. M. Bower |
196.1 |
1999/10 |
Cranford by Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell |
72.3 |
1999/10 |
Creatures That Once Were Men by Maxim Gorky |
171.7 |
1999/10 |
Crome Yellow by Aldous Huxley |
92.7 |
1999/10 |
Damaged Goods by Upton Sinclair |
336.2 |
1999/10 |
DANGEROUS DAYS by Mary Roberts Rinehart |
973.4 |
1999/10 |
David Copperfield by Charles Dickens |
88.9 |
1999/10 |
David Graham Phillips by The Fortune Hunter |
79.7 |
1999/10 |
Derrick Vaughan--Novelist by Edna Lyall |
29.8 |
1999/10 |
Dickory Cronke by Daniel Defoe |
32.5 |
1999/10 |
Doctor Marigold by Charles Dickens |
78.9 |
1999/10 |
Dolly Dialogues by Anthony Hope |
40.3 |
1999/10 |
Domestic Peace by Honore de Balzac |
1129.3 |
1999/10 |
Don Quixote by Miqeul de Cervantes [Saavedra] |
143.7 |
1999/10 |
Driven From Home by Horatio Alger |
164.6 |
1999/10 |
Droll Stories Vol. 1 by Honore de Balzac |
114.2 |
1999/10 |
Early Kings of Norway by Thomas Carlyle |
757.3 |
1999/10 |
Edison, His Life and Inventions by Frank Lewis Dyer and Thomas Commerford Martin |
233.3 |
1999/10 |
Elinor Wyllys by Susan Fenimore Cooper |
316.0 |
1999/10 |
Elinor Wyllys by Susan Fenimore Cooper |
134.6 |
1999/10 |
Elizabeth and her German Garden by "Elizabeth" [Marie Annette Beauchamp] |
152.1 |
1999/10 |
End of the Tether by Joseph Conrad |
72.0 |
1999/10 |
Enemies of Books by William Blades |
252.5 |
1999/10 |
Eothen by A. W. Kinglake |
230.4 |
1999/10 |
Erewhon by Samuel Butler |
227.9 |
1999/10 |
Erewhon Revisited by Samuel Butler |
191.8 |
1999/10 |
Eugenie Grandet by Honore de Balzac |
45.8 |
1999/10 |
EURASIA by Chris. Evans |
21.8 |
1999/10 |
Everybody's Business is Nobody's Business by Daniel Defoe |
35.2 |
1999/10 |
Extracts from the Diary of William Bray, Esq. 1760-1800 by William Bray |
16.7 |
1999/10 |
Facino Cane by Honore de Balzac |
401.8 |
1999/10 |
Far From The Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy |
111.3 |
1999/10 |
Faraday As A Discoverer by John Tyndall |
291.3 |
1999/10 |
Father Goriot by Honore de Balzac |
42.8 |
1999/10 |
Female Suffrage by Susan Fenimore Cooper |
131.6 |
1999/10 |
Ferragus by Honore de Balzac |
27.9 |
1999/10 |
Findelkind by Louise de la Ramee |
188.3 |
1999/10 |
Fire-Tongue by Sax Rohmer |
290.5 |
1999/10 |
Forty Centuries of Ink by David N. Carvalho |
103.9 |
1999/10 |
Frances Waldeaux by Rebecca Harding Davis |
172.5 |
1999/10 |
Frank's Campaign or The Farm and the Camp by Horatio Alger, Jr. |
69.0 |
1999/10 |
Gambara by Honore de Balzac |
922.8 |
1999/10 |
Gargantua and Pantagruel by Francis Rabelais |
13.3 |
1999/10 |
Gaudissart II by Honore de Balzac |
197.2 |
1999/10 |
George Sand, Some Aspects of Her Life and Writings by Rene Doumic |
31.5 |
1999/10 |
George Silverman's Explanation by Charles Dickens |
54.7 |
1999/10 |
Glasses by Henry James |
66.2 |
1999/10 |
Gobseck by Honore de Balzac |
15.1 |
1999/10 |
Going into Society by Charles Dickens |
499.3 |
1999/10 |
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens |
185.7 |
1999/10 |
Grettir The Strong Author Unknown |
328.6 |
1999/10 |
Hacker Crackdown by Bruce Sterling |
40.7 |
1999/10 |
Hackers, Heroes of the Computer Revolution by Steven Levy |
289.1 |
1999/10 |
Hard Times by Charles Dickens |
155.1 |
1999/10 |
HERLAND by Charlotte Perkins Stetson Gilman |
41.1 |
1999/10 |
Herodias by Gustave Flaubert |
181.7 |
1999/10 |
Hiram The Young Farmer by Burbank L. Todd |
38.7 |
1999/10 |
History Of The Britons (Historia Brittonum) by Nennius |
629.5 |
1999/10 |
History Of The Conquest Of Peru by William Hickling Prescott |
508.2 |
1999/10 |
History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire Volume 3 by Edward Gibbon |
488.0 |
1999/10 |
History of the Moravian Church by J. E. Hutton |
23.5 |
1999/10 |
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Internet |
88.0 |
1999/10 |
Honorine by Honore de Balzac |
375.9 |
1999/10 |
House of Mirth by Edith Wharton |
338.8 |
1999/10 |
I SAY NO by Wilkie Collins |
235.2 |
1999/10 |
Idylls of the King Alfred, Lord Tennyson |
89.6 |
1999/10 |
In a German Pension by Katherine Mansfield |
354.3 |
1999/10 |
In Darkest England and The Way Out by General William Booth |
147.7 |
1999/10 |
In The Bishop's Carriage by Miriam Michelson |
170.6 |
1999/10 |
Intentions by Oscar Wilde |
563.6 |
1999/10 |
Ivanhoe by Walter Scott |
132.2 |
1999/10 |
James Otis The Pre-Revolutionist by John Clark Ridpath |
238.8 |
1999/10 |
Jasmin: Barber, Poet, Philanthropistt by Samuel Smiles |
369.6 |
1999/10 |
Jerusalem Delivered by Torquato Tasso |
118.2 |
1999/10 |
Joe The Hotel Boy by Horatio Alger Jr. |
10.4 |
1999/10 |
John C. Calhoun's Remarks to the Senate of the United States |
19.9 |
1999/10 |
John Jacob Astor by Elbert Hubbard |
64.6 |
1999/10 |
Juana by Honore de Balzac |
416.4 |
1999/10 |
Jude the Obscure by Thomas Hardy |
163.3 |
1999/10 |
Just David by Eleanor H. Porter |
73.3 |
1999/10 |
Just Folks by Edgar A. Guest |
252.2 |
1999/10 |
Kai Lung's Golden Hours by Ernest Bramah |
552.1 |
1999/10 |
Kenilworth by Walter Scott |
287.9 |
1999/10 |
Keziah Coffin by Joseph C. Lincoln |
303.5 |
1999/10 |
Kim by Rudyard Kipling |
36.7 |
1999/10 |
L'Allegro, Il Penseroso, Comus, and Lycidas by John Milton |
322.8 |
1999/10 |
LA CELESTINA [In Spanish] by Fernando de Rojas |
26.6 |
1999/10 |
La Duchesse de Palliano by Stendhal |
23.8 |
1999/10 |
La Grande Breteche by Honore de Balzac |
27.3 |
1999/10 |
La Grenadiere by Honore de Balzac |
208.2 |
1999/10 |
Lahoma by John Breckinridge Ellis |
596.5 |
1999/10 |
Lavengro by George Borrow |
631.9 |
1999/10 |
Laws by Plato |
18.6 |
1999/10 |
Lemorne Versus Huell by Elizabeth Drew Stoddard |
350.8 |
1999/10 |
Les Miserables (Volume I) by Victor Hugo |
301.3 |
1999/10 |
Les Miserables (Volume II) by Victor Hugo |
271.5 |
1999/10 |
Les Miserables (Volume III) by Victor Hugo |
384.9 |
1999/10 |
Les Miserables (Volume IV) by Victor Hugo |
332.5 |
1999/10 |
Les Miserables (Volume V) by Victor Hugo |
239.7 |
1999/10 |
Letters of Two Brides by Honore de Balzac |
83.1 |
1999/10 |
Liber Amoris, or, The New Pygmalion by William Hazlitt |
960.1 |
1999/10 |
Life And Adventures Of Martin Chuzzlewit by Charles Dickens |
43.8 |
1999/10 |
Life in the Iron-Mills by Rebecca Harding Davis |
374.9 |
1999/10 |
Lincoln's Personal Life by Nathaniel Wright Stephenson |
16.5 |
1999/10 |
Little Britain by Washington Irving |
939.7 |
1999/10 |
Little Dorrit by Charles Dickens |
155.5 |
1999/10 |
Little Lord Fauntleroy by Frances Hodgson Burnett |
416.2 |
1999/10 |
LITTLE NOVELS by Wilkie Collins |
112.8 |
1999/10 |
Lord Arthur Savile's Crime and Other Stories by Oscar Wilde |
129.8 |
1999/10 |
Louis Lambert by Honore de Balzac |
203.6 |
1999/10 |
Lucile by Owen Meredith |
23.8 |
1999/10 |
Madame Firmiani by Honore de Balzac |
109.8 |
1999/10 |
Mae Madden by Mary Murdoch Mason |
503.7 |
1999/10 |
Main Street by Sinclair Lewis |
64.1 |
1999/10 |
Maitre Cornelius by Honore de Balzac |
635.7 |
1999/10 |
Man and Wife by Wilkie Collins |
176.4 |
1999/10 |
Manon Lescaut by the Abbe Prevost |
135.9 |
1999/10 |
Maria, or the Wrongs of Woman by Mary Wollstonecraft |
22.3 |
1999/10 |
Marjorie Daw by Thomas Bailey Aldrich |
201.9 |
1999/10 |
Martin Hyde, The Duke's Messenger by John Masefield |
279.0 |
1999/10 |
Martin Pippin in the Apple Orchard by Eleanor Farjeon |
90.8 |
1999/10 |
Massimilla Doni by Honore de Balzac |
54.2 |
1999/10 |
Melmoth Reconciled by Honore de Balzac |
43.1 |
1999/10 |
Memoir of the Proposed Territory of Arizona by Sylvester Mowry |
70.5 |
1999/10 |
Memoirs of Carwin the Biloquist Charles Brockden Brown |
443.1 |
1999/10 |
Memoirs of the Comtesse du Barry by Baron Etienne Leon Lamothe-Langon |
336.5 |
1999/10 |
Men of Invention and Industry by Samuel Smiles |
185.0 |
1999/10 |
Men of Iron by Ernie Howard Pyle |
55.9 |
1999/10 |
Messer Marco Polo by Brian Oswald Donn- by rne |
906.7 |
1999/10 |
Middlemarch by George Eliot |
221.4 |
1999/10 |
Miss Billie Married by Eleanor H. Porter |
203.7 |
1999/10 |
Miss Billie's Decision by Eleanor H. Porter |
631.4 |
1999/10 |
Moby Dick by Herman Melville |
276.7 |
1999/10 |
Modeste Mignon by Honore de Balzac |
390.3 |
1999/10 |
Montezuma's Daughter by H. Rider Haggard |
65.7 |
1999/10 |
Mugby Junction by Charles Dickens |
384.5 |
1999/10 |
My Bondage and My Freedom, My Bondage and My Freedom by Frederick Douglass |
23.6 |
1999/10 |
My Garden Acquaintance James Russell Lowell |
115.9 |
1999/10 |
My Lady Caprice by Jeffrey Farnol |
288.7 |
1999/10 |
Nada the Lily by H. Rider Haggard |
360.2 |
1999/10 |
New Forces in Old China by ARTHUR JUDSON BROWN |
531.9 |
1999/10 |
New Grub Street by George Gissing |
477.3 |
1999/10 |
Night and Day by Virginia Woolf |
219.5 |
1999/10 |
Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen |
704.7 |
1999/10 |
Of Human Bondage by W. Somerset Maugham |
215.4 |
1999/10 |
Of The Nature of Things by Lucretius [Titus Lucretius Carus] |
44.1 |
1999/10 |
Old John Brown by Walter Hawkins |
452.4 |
1999/10 |
Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens |
23.0 |
1999/10 |
On The Ruin of Britain (De Excidio Britanniae) by Gildas Translation by J.A. Giles |
298.4 |
1999/10 |
On War by Carl von Clausewitz |
65.1 |
1999/10 |
Organic Syntheses James Bryant Conant, Editor |
904.6 |
1999/10 |
Our Mutual Friend by Charles Dickens |
74.3 |
1999/10 |
Our Nig by Harriet E. Wilson |
20.7 |
1999/10 |
Pageant of Summer by Richard Jefferies |
46.2 |
1999/10 |
Painted Windows by Elia W. Peattie |
50.9 |
1999/10 |
Paradise Regained by John Milton |
182.6 |
1999/10 |
Part II of Soldiers Three by Rudyard Kipling |
257.4 |
1999/10 |
Pathology of Lying, Etc. by William and Mary Healy |
135.2 |
1999/10 |
Paul and Virginia by Bernardin de Saint Pierre |
396.1 |
1999/10 |
Paul Kelver by Jerome K. Jerome |
167.0 |
1999/10 |
Paul Prescott's Charge by Horatio Alger |
56.6 |
1999/10 |
Paz by Honore de Balzac |
285.6 |
1999/10 |
Penguin Island by Anatole France |
195.5 |
1999/10 |
Penrod and Sam by Booth Tarkington |
232.8 |
1999/10 |
Persuasion by Jane Austen |
42.3 |
1999/10 |
Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens by J. M. Barrie |
42.5 |
1999/10 |
Phaedra by Jean Baptiste Racine |
253.0 |
1999/10 |
Pharsalia, [Civil War] by Marcus Annaeus Lucanus |
36.3 |
1999/10 |
Philoktetes Philoktetes |
234.1 |
1999/10 |
Phyllis of Philistia by Frank Frankfort Moore |
24.9 |
1999/10 |
Pierre Grassou by Honore de Balzac |
149.5 |
1999/10 |
Pierrette by Honore de Balzac |
10.5 |
1999/10 |
Pigs is Pigs by Ellis Parker Butler |
203.9 |
1999/10 |
Plain Tales from the Hills by Rudyard Kipling |
2095.3 |
1999/10 |
Plutarch's Lives Edited by A.H. Clough |
92.6 |
1999/10 |
Polly of the Circus by Margaret Mayo |
125.7 |
1999/10 |
Poor and Proud, or The Fortunes of Katy Redburn by Oliver Optic |
149.3 |
1999/10 |
Poor Folk by Fyodor Dostoyevsky |
344.5 |
1999/10 |
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen |
17.2 |
1999/10 |
Propertius [in Latin] Sexti Properti Carmina |
158.1 |
1999/10 |
Proposed Roads To Freedom by Bertrand Russell |
146.2 |
1999/10 |
Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms by Fa-Hien |
66.3 |
1999/10 |
Reginald in Russia and Other Sketches by Saki (H.H. Munro) |
9.7 |
1999/10 |
Remarks to the United States Senate by Thomas Hart Benton |
70.0 |
1999/10 |
Reminiscences of Tolstoy by Ilya Tolstoy [his son] |
193.9 |
1999/10 |
Rezanov by Gertrude Atherton |
294.4 |
1999/10 |
Riders of the Purple Sage by Zane Grey |
536.3 |
1999/10 |
Rienzi by Edward Bulwer Lytton |
332.0 |
1999/10 |
Rise and Fall of Cesar Birotteau by Honore de Balzac |
34.1 |
1999/10 |
Rivers to the Sea by Sara Teasdale |
548.1 |
1999/10 |
Robbery Under Arms by Rolf Boldrewood |
68.3 |
1999/10 |
Rowdy of the Cross L by B. M. Bower (B.M. Sinclair) |
355.8 |
1999/10 |
Royalty Restored or London under Charles II. by J. Fitzgerald Molloy |
174.5 |
1999/10 |
Rudder Grange by Frank R. Stockton |
311.4 |
1999/10 |
Salammbo by Gustave Flaubert |
44.5 |
1999/10 |
Sara Crewe by Frances Hodgson Burnett (1849-1924) |
41.3 |
1999/10 |
Sarrasine by Honore de Balzac |
557.2 |
1999/10 |
Scenes from a Courtesan's Life by Honore de Balzac |
24.1 |
1999/10 |
Second April Edna St. Vincent Millay |
47.2 |
1999/10 |
Selected Orations of Cicero [in Latin] |
254.6 |
1999/10 |
Selected Writings by Guy De Maupassant |
149.4 |
1999/10 |
Seraphita by Honore de Balzac |
136.3 |
1999/10 |
Sesame and Lilies by John Ruskin |
197.1 |
1999/10 |
Seventeen by Booth Tarkington |
202.5 |
1999/10 |
She Stands Accused by Victor MacClure |
199.6 |
1999/10 |
Silas Marner by George Eliot |
27.6 |
1999/10 |
Sister Songs by Francis Thompson |
118.5 |
1999/10 |
Smoke Bellew by Jack London |
30.0 |
1999/10 |
Some Roundabout Papers by W. M. Thackeray |
56.7 |
1999/10 |
Somebody's Luggage by Charles Dickens |
123.4 |
1999/10 |
Song and Legend From the Middle Ages by William D. McClintock and Porter Lander McClintock |
10.9 |
1999/10 |
Songs for Parents by John Farrar |
16.0 |
1999/10 |
Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience by William Blake |
340.2 |
1999/10 |
Sons of the Soil by Honore de Balzac |
30.4 |
1999/10 |
Speaking of Operations by Irvin S. Cobb |
28.3 |
1999/10 |
Spirits in Bondage by C. S. Lewis [Clive Hamilton] |
11.7 |
1999/10 |
Study of a Woman by Honore de Balzac |
114.8 |
1999/10 |
Tales for Fifteen: or, Imagination and Heart by James Fenimore Cooper (writing under the pseudonym of "Jane Morgan") |
208.2 |
1999/10 |
Tales of Terror and Mystery by Arthur Conan Doyle |
52.3 |
1999/10 |
Tartuffe or the Hypocrite by Jean Baptiste Poquelin Moliere |
30.7 |
1999/10 |
Tattine by Ruth Ogden [Mrs. Charles W. Ide] |
676.1 |
1999/10 |
Terminal Compromise by Winn Schwartau |
149.5 |
1999/10 |
THAIS by Anatole France |
290.1 |
1999/10 |
The Absentee by Maria Edgeworth |
108.7 |
1999/10 |
The Aeroplane Speaks by H. Barber |
300.7 |
1999/10 |
The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton |
205.9 |
1999/10 |
The Alkahest by Honore de Balzac |
41.2 |
1999/10 |
The Altar of the Dead by Henry James |
6.5 |
1999/10 |
The Altruist in Politics by Benjamin Cardozo |
146.5 |
1999/10 |
The Amateur Cracksman by E. W. Hornung |
460.3 |
1999/10 |
The Ambassadors by Henry James |
177.9 |
1999/10 |
The Annals of the Parish by John Galt |
138.7 |
1999/10 |
The Art of Lawn Tennis by William T. Tilden, 2D |
20.7 |
1999/10 |
The Atheist's Mass by Honore de Balzac |
77.5 |
1999/10 |
The Augsburg Confession In Latin and in German |
143.5 |
1999/10 |
The Ayrshire Legatees by John Galt |
65.4 |
1999/10 |
The Ball at Sceaux by Honore de Balzac |
131.8 |
1999/10 |
The Black Death and The Dancing Mania by J. F. C. Hecker (translated by B. G. Babington) |
230.0 |
1999/10 |
311.9 |
1999/10 |
The Black Robe by Wilkie Collins |
204.1 |
1999/10 |
The Black Tulip by Alexandre Dumas |
129.5 |
1999/10 |
The Black-Bearded Barbarian by Marian Keith |
349.0 |
1999/10 |
The Blue Fairy Book |
162.4 |
1999/10 |
The Boys' Life of Abraham Lincoln by Helen Nicolay |
154.2 |
1999/10 |
The Breitmann Ballads by Charles G. Leland |
212.7 |
1999/10 |
The Brother of Daphne by Dornford Yates |
223.6 |
1999/10 |
The Brotherhood of Consolation by Honore de Balzac |
143.2 |
1999/10 |
The Burial of the Guns by Thomas Nelson Page |
75.9 |
1999/10 |
The Cash Boy by Horatio Alger Jr. |
104.6 |
1999/10 |
The Castle of Otranto by Horace Walpole |
184.7 |
1999/10 |
The Chignecto Isthmus And Its First Settlers by Howard Trueman |
48.0 |
1999/10 |
The Children by Alice Meynell |
35.5 |
1999/10 |
The Children of the Night by Edwin Arlington Robinson |
86.2 |
1999/10 |
The Chimes by Charles Dickens |
152.4 |
1999/10 |
THE CIVILIZATION OF CHINA by Herbert A. Giles, M.A., LL.D. |
162.3 |
1999/10 |
The Collection of Antiquities by Honore de Balzac |
55.6 |
1999/10 |
The Colour of Life by Alice Meynell |
304.5 |
1999/10 |
The Coming Conquest of England by August Niemann |
154.2 |
1999/10 |
The Coming Race by Edward Bulwer Lytton |
82.9 |
1999/10 |
The Commission in Lunacy by Honore de Balzac |
167.6 |
1999/10 |
The Complete Angler by Izaak Walton |
274.4 |
1999/10 |
The Conflict by David Graham Phillips |
44.8 |
1999/10 |
The Confutatio Pontificia Edited by J. M. Reu |
223.8 |
1999/10 |
The Cost by David Graham Phillips |
1304.4 |
1999/10 |
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas [Pere] |
277.9 |
1999/10 |
The Country Doctor by Honore de Balzac |
117.6 |
1999/10 |
The Country of the Pointed Firs by Sarah Orne Jewett |
90.4 |
1999/10 |
The Cricket on the Hearth by Charles Dickens |
147.8 |
1999/10 |
The Crock of Gold by James Stephens |
569.6 |
1999/10 |
The Crossing by Winston Churchill |
151.2 |
1999/10 |
The Crowd by Gustave le Bon |
108.3 |
1999/10 |
The Crown of Thorns: A token for the sorrowing |
335.7 |
1999/10 |
The Cruise of the Cachalot by Frank T. Bullen |
13.8 |
1999/10 |
The Cruise of the Dolphin by Thomas Bailey Aldrich |
350.0 |
1999/10 |
The Damnation of Theron Ware by Harold Frederic |
336.5 |
1999/10 |
The Daughter of an Empress by Louise Muhlbach |
52.3 |
1999/10 |
The Dawn of A To-morrow by Frances Hodgson Burnett |
92.2 |
1999/10 |
The dawn of amateur radio in the U.K. and Greece : a personal view by Norman F. Joly. |
369.9 |
1999/10 |
The Deputy of Arcis by Honore de Balzac |
50.2 |
1999/10 |
The Deserted Woman by Honore de Balzac |
30.7 |
1999/10 |
The Dhammapada Translated by F. Max Muller |
266.8 |
1999/10 |
The Dominion of the Air by J. M. Bacon |
69.8 |
1999/10 |
The Double-Dealer by William Congreve |
159.2 |
1999/10 |
The Duchesse de Langeais by Honore de Balzac |
285.3 |
1999/10 |
The Dust by David Graham Phillips |
544.0 |
1999/10 |
The Egoist by George Meredith |
120.9 |
1999/10 |
The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte by Karl Marx |
28.4 |
1999/10 |
The Elixir of Life by Honore de Balzac |
147.7 |
1999/10 |
The Errand Boy by Horatio Alger |
312.8 |
1999/10 |
THE EVIL GENIUS by Wilkie Collins |
36.1 |
1999/10 |
The Exiles by Honore de Balzac |
239.4 |
1999/10 |
The Fall of the Moghul Empire of Hindustan by H. G. Keene |
64.9 |
1999/10 |
The Fifth String by John Philip Sousa |
82.5 |
1999/10 |
The Firm of Nucingen by Honore de Balzac |
212.5 |
1999/10 |
The Flirt by Booth Tarkington |
185.3 |
1999/10 |
The Foolish Virgin by Thomas Dixon |
346.4 |
1999/10 |
The Foundations of Personality by Abraham Myerson |
430.7 |
1999/10 |
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse by Vicente Blasco Ibanez |
994.7 |
1999/10 |
The French Revolution by Thomas Carlyle |
79.2 |
1999/10 |
THE FROZEN DEEP by Wilkie Collins |
163.6 |
1999/10 |
The Garden Party by Katherine Mansfield |
82.4 |
1999/10 |
The Girl with the Golden Eyes by Honore de Balzac |
242.7 |
1999/10 |
The Glimpses of the Moon by Edith Wharton |
262.1 |
1999/10 |
The God-Idea of the Ancients or Sex in Religion by Eliza Burt Gamble |
211.5 |
1999/10 |
The Golden Road by Lucy Maud Montgomery |
24.4 |
1999/10 |
The Golden Threshold by Sarojini Naidu |
138.0 |
1999/10 |
The Governess [The Little Female Academy] by Sarah Fielding |
97.5 |
1999/10 |
The Great War Syndicate by Frank Stockton |
193.9 |
1999/10 |
The Grey Room by Eden Phillpotts |
42.1 |
1999/10 |
The Happy Prince and Other Tales by Oscar Wilde |
101.1 |
1999/10 |
The Hated Son by Honore de Balzac |
181.2 |
1999/10 |
The Haunted Bookshop by Christopher Morley |
30.4 |
1999/10 |
The Hidden Masterpiece by Honore de Balzac |
378.4 |
1999/10 |
The High History of the Holy Graal Author Unknown |
102.6 |
1999/10 |
The History and Practice of the Art of Photography by HENRY H. SNELLING. |
113.0 |
1999/10 |
The History of Caliph Vathek by William Beckford |
667.8 |
1999/10 |
The History of England from the Accession of James II, Vol. 1 by by Thomas Babington Macaulay. |
157.1 |
1999/10 |
The History of the Telephone by Herbert N. Casson |
10.5 |
1999/10 |
The History of Tom Thumb, et. al. |
249.3 |
1999/10 |
The Holy War by John Bunyan |
159.2 |
1999/10 |
The House of the Wolf by Stanley Weyman |
43.9 |
1999/10 |
The Illustrious Gaudissart by Honore de Balzac |
136.1 |
1999/10 |
The Iron Puddler by James J. Davis |
8.5 |
1999/10 |
The Lady, or the Tiger? by Frank R. Stockton |
433.6 |
1999/10 |
The Last of the Mohicans: A Narrative of 1757 by James Fenimore Cooper |
386.3 |
1999/10 |
The Law and the Lady by Wilkie Collins |
493.9 |
1999/10 |
The Lesser Bourgeoisie by Honore de Balzac |
72.1 |
1999/10 |
The Lesson of the Master by Henry James |
113.4 |
1999/10 |
The Library by Andrew Lang |
50.4 |
1999/10 |
The Life and Death of Cormac the Skald Anonymous Icelandic Epic |
80.8 |
1999/10 |
The Life and Perambulations of a Mouse by Dorothy Kilner |
315.8 |
1999/10 |
The Life of Francis Marion by William Gilmore Simms |
232.7 |
1999/10 |
The Life of General Francis Marion by Mason Locke Weems |
276.2 |
1999/10 |
The Life of Horatio Lord Nelson by Robert Southey |
129.6 |
1999/10 |
The Life of Lazarillo of Tormes, Parts One and Two Translated by Robert Rudder |
45.3 |
1999/10 |
The Life of St. Declan of Ardmore Translated by Rev. P. Power |
208.7 |
1999/10 |
The Life of the Spider by J. Henri Fabre |
304.0 |
1999/10 |
The Life of Thomas Telford by Smiles by Samuel Smiles |
422.3 |
1999/10 |
The Life of William Carey, Shoemaker & Missionary by George Smith |
246.7 |
1999/10 |
The Life Story of William F. Cody by Helen Cody Wetmore |
51.8 |
1999/10 |
The Lifted Veil by George Eliot [Mary Anne Evans] |
142.0 |
1999/10 |
The Light of Egypt, Volume II by Henry O. Wagner/Belle M. Wagner/Thomas H. Burgoyne |
289.9 |
1999/10 |
The Lily of the Valley by Honore de Balzac |
248.4 |
1999/10 |
The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come by John Fox, Jr. |
176.6 |
1999/10 |
The Lost City by Joseph E. Badger, Jr. |
33.5 |
1999/10 |
The Lumley Autograph by Susan Fenimore Cooper |
285.8 |
1999/10 |
The Magic Skin by Honore de Balzac |
172.6 |
1999/10 |
The Man Between by Amelia E. Barr |
166.3 |
1999/10 |
The Man Who Knew Too Much by G. K. Chesterton |
350.3 |
1999/10 |
The Market-Place by Harold Frederic |
144.6 |
1999/10 |
The Marriage Contract by Honore de Balzac |
342.9 |
1999/10 |
The Mayor of Casterbridge by Thomas Hardy |
16.0 |
1999/10 |
The Message by Honore' de Balzac |
114.9 |
1999/10 |
The Miracle Mongers, An Expose' by Harry Houdini |
99.7 |
1999/10 |
The Narrative of Sojourner Truth Dictated by Sojourner Truth (ca.1797-1883); Edited by Olive Gilbert |
282.7 |
1999/10 |
The New Magdalen by Wilkie Collins |
18.4 |
1999/10 |
The New McGuffey First Reader |
67.2 |
1999/10 |
The Old Bachelor by William Congreve |
613.6 |
1999/10 |
The Old Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens |
133.8 |
1999/10 |
The Origin and Nature of Emotions by George W. Crile |
72.7 |
1999/10 |
The Philobiblon of Richard de Bury by Richard de Bury |
491.6 |
1999/10 |
The Pioneers or The Sources of the Susquehanna by James Fenimore Cooper |
270.1 |
1999/10 |
The Pit Prop Syndicate by Freeman Wills Croft |
161.9 |
1999/10 |
The Pivot of Civilization by Margaret Sanger |
295.1 |
1999/10 |
The Poisoned Pen by Arthur B. Reeve |
280.9 |
1999/10 |
The Price She Paid by David Graham Phillips |
201.3 |
1999/10 |
The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain |
180.1 |
1999/10 |
The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft by George Gissing |
253.2 |
1999/10 |
The Profits of Religion by Upton Sinclair |
152.2 |
1999/10 |
The Provost by John Galt |
231.4 |
1999/10 |
The Psychology of Revolution Gustave le Bon |
51.1 |
1999/10 |
The Pupil by Henry James |
35.6 |
1999/10 |
The Purse by Honore de Balzac (trans. Clara Bell) |
147.3 |
1999/10 |
The Quest of the Golden Girl by Richard le Gallienne |
149.7 |
1999/10 |
The Quest of the Sacred Slipper by Sax Rohmer |
13.9 |
1999/10 |
The Real Cyberpunk Fakebook by St. Jude, R.U. Sirius and Bart Nagel |
17.0 |
1999/10 |
The Recruit by Honore de Balzac |
164.0 |
1999/10 |
The Red House Mystery by A. A. Milne |
39.4 |
1999/10 |
The Red Inn by Honore de Balzac |
163.4 |
1999/10 |
The Red Seal by Natalie Sumner Lincoln |
273.9 |
1999/10 |
The Reef by Edith Wharton |
47.8 |
1999/10 |
The Reporter Who Made Himself King |
215.6 |
1999/10 |
The Return of Dr. Fu-Manchu by Sax Rohmer |
226.1 |
1999/10 |
The Riddle of the Rhine: Chemical Strategy in Peace and War by Victor LeFebure |
347.2 |
1999/10 |
The Rise of Silas Lapham by William Dean Howells |
430.5 |
1999/10 |
The Romany Rye by George Borrow |
352.8 |
1999/10 |
The San Francisco Calamity Edited by Charles Morris |
268.9 |
1999/10 |
The Scapegoat by Hall Caine |
252.2 |
1999/10 |
The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthore |
62.6 |
1999/10 |
The Secrets of the Princesse de Cadignan by Honore de Balzac |
114.3 |
1999/10 |
The Shadow Line by Joseph Conrad |
603.3 |
1999/10 |
The Shuttle by Frances Hodgson Burnett |
146.6 |
1999/10 |
The Slowcoach by E. V. Lucas |
93.9 |
1999/10 |
The Song of Roland Anonymous |
131.5 |
1999/10 |
The Soul of the Far East by Percival Lowell |
36.2 |
1999/10 |
The Spell of the Yukon by Robert Service |
9.0 |
1999/10 |
The Star-Spangled Banner by John A. Carpenter |
166.5 |
1999/10 |
The Story of a Bad Boy by Thomas Bailey Aldrich |
246.3 |
1999/10 |
The Story of a Pioneer by Anna Howard Shaw |
7.5 |
1999/10 |
The Story of Little Black Sambo/ The Story of Little Black Mingo by Helen Bannerman |
370.7 |
1999/10 |
The Story of Mankind by Hendrik van Loon |
295.4 |
1999/10 |
The Theory of the Leisure Class by Thorstein Veblen |
79.0 |
1999/10 |
The Touchstone by Edith Wharton |
170.1 |
1999/10 |
The Toys of Peace by H.H. Munro ("Saki") |
191.9 |
1999/10 |
The Travels of Sir John Mandeville Author Unknown [circa 1500] |
148.8 |
1999/10 |
The Treaty of the European Union |
74.2 |
1999/10 |
The True Story of Christopher Columbus by Elbridge S. Brooks |
178.6 |
1999/10 |
The Twin Hells by John N. Reynolds |
312.1 |
1999/10 |
The Two Brothers by Honore de Balzac |
242.6 |
1999/10 |
THE TWO DESTINIES by Wilkie Collins |
414.3 |
1999/10 |
The Uncommercial Traveller by Charles Dickens |
171.2 |
1999/10 |
The Unknown Guest by Maurice Maeterlinck |
267.7 |
1999/10 |
The Use and Need of the Life of Carrie A. Nation by Carrie A. Nation |
74.4 |
1999/10 |
The Vicar of Tours by Honore de Balzac |
271.1 |
1999/10 |
The Village Rector by Honore de Balzac |
391.0 |
1999/10 |
The Voyage Out by Virginia Woolf |
287.9 |
1999/10 |
The War in the Air by H. G. Wells [Herbert George Wells] |
41.9 |
1999/10 |
The Water Goats and Other Troubles by Ellis Parker Butler |
435.8 |
1999/10 |
The Way of All Flesh by Samuel Butler |
199.7 |
1999/10 |
The Ways of Men by Eliot Gregory |
163.9 |
1999/10 |
The Wheels of Chance by H. G. Wells [Herbert George] |
415.8 |
1999/10 |
The White Company by Arthur Conan Doyle |
239.9 |
1999/10 |
The White Moll by Frank L. Packard |
185.0 |
1999/10 |
The Woman-Haters by Joseph C. Lincoln |
392.5 |
1999/10 |
The Woodlanders by Thomas Hardy |
168.3 |
1999/10 |
The Wrong Box by Robert Louis Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne |
245.2 |
1999/10 |
This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald |
330.7 |
1999/10 |
Thoughts on Man by William Godwin |
133.7 |
1999/10 |
Thoughts on the Present Discontents, and Speeches by Edmund Burke |
95.2 |
1999/10 |
Three Elephant Power by Andrew Barton `Banjo' Paterson |
316.2 |
1999/10 |
Thus Spake Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietzsche |
291.0 |
1999/10 |
Tom Brown's Schooldays by Thomas Hughes |
116.4 |
1999/10 |
Tom Grogan by F. Hopkinson Smith |
395.1 |
1999/10 |
Tono Bungay by H. G. Wells |
313.7 |
1999/10 |
Tracks of a Rolling Stone by Henry J. Coke |
100.6 |
1999/10 |
Travels in England AND Fragmenta Regalia by Paul Hentzner and Sir Robert Naunton |
309.9 |
1999/10 |
Twenty Years At Hull House by Jane Addams |
162.2 |
1999/10 |
Two Poets by Honore de Balzac |
332.6 |
1999/10 |
Unbeaten Tracks in Japan by Isabella L. Bird |
16.8 |
1999/10 |
Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe |
65.0 |
1999/10 |
Unconscious Comedians by Honore de Balzac |
176.3 |
1999/10 |
Under the Red Robe by Stanley Weyman |
237.7 |
1999/10 |
Ursula by Honore de Balzac (transl. Katharine Prescott Wormeley) |
73.4 |
1999/10 |
Vendetta by Honore de Balzac |
26.2 |
1999/10 |
Vergil's Bucolics in English |
67.5 |
1999/10 |
Vergil's Georgics in English |
55.0 |
1999/10 |
Vergil's Georgics in Latin |
54.2 |
1999/10 |
Vida de Lazarillo Author Unknown |
484.9 |
1999/10 |
We Two by Edna Lyall |
40.9 |
1999/10 |
Webster's Seventh of March Speech, and the Secession Movement by Herbert Darling Foster |
330.5 |
1999/10 |
When the World Shook by H. Rider Haggard |
118.9 |
1999/10 |
Where the Blue Begins by Christopher Morley |
23.7 |
1999/10 |
Why Go to College? by Alice Freeman Palmer |
155.5 |
1999/10 |
William the Conqueror by E.A. Freeman |
235.2 |
1999/10 |
Within the Law by Marvin Dana |
140.9 |
1999/10 |
Wonderful Balloon Ascents: or, the Conquest of the Skies. From the French of F. (Fulgence) Marion |
193.8 |
1999/10 |
19.2 |
1999/10 |
Yankee Gypsies by John Greenleaf Whittier |
30.2 |
1999/10 |
Z. Marcas by Honore de Balzac |