File |
Size in KB |
Date |
Description |
3.6 |
1999/10 |
A Cypherpunk's Manifesto by Eric Hughes |
139.0 |
1999/10 |
A New Philosophy: Henri Bergson by Edouard le Roy |
47.3 |
1999/10 |
Alcibiades I by Plato (see Appendix I) |
17.2 |
1999/10 |
Alcibiades II by Platonic Imitator |
250.4 |
1999/10 |
Also Sprach Zarathustra by Friedrich Nietsche |
72.7 |
1999/10 |
Analects of Confucius by Confucius |
42.5 |
1999/10 |
Apology by Plato |
29.3 |
1999/10 |
Apology by Plato |
21.6 |
1999/10 |
As a Man Thinketh by James Allan |
105.0 |
1999/10 |
Candide by Voltaire |
142.4 |
1999/10 |
Cratylus by Plato, translated by B. Jowett. |
18.4 |
1999/10 |
Crito by Plato |
19.6 |
1999/10 |
Eryxias by a Platonic Imitator (see Appendix II) |
40.1 |
1999/10 |
Go Rin No Sho by Miyamoto Musashi |
153.0 |
1999/10 |
Gorgias by Plato |
164.9 |
1999/10 |
Heretics by G. K. Chesterton |
172.0 |
1999/10 |
Heretics by G. K. Chesterton |
11.2 |
1999/10 |
If America Should Go Communist by Leon Trotsky |
50.7 |
1999/10 |
Indian Legends by Zitkala-Sa |
25.0 |
1999/10 |
Lesser Hippias by Plato (see Appendix I) |
20.5 |
1999/10 |
Man and Socialism by Che Guevara |
1.9 |
1999/10 |
Maslow's 15 Traits of The Self-Actualized Person |
28.3 |
1999/10 |
Menexenus by Plato |
48.6 |
1999/10 |
On New Democracy by Mao Tse-Tung |
26.5 |
1999/10 |
On the Duty of Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau |
171.8 |
1999/10 |
Orthodoxy by G. K. Chesterton |
84.7 |
1999/10 |
Parmenides by Plato |
84.8 |
1999/10 |
Parmenides by Plato |
110.1 |
1999/10 |
Phaedo by Plato |
120.8 |
1999/10 |
Philebus by Plato |
2.5 |
1999/10 |
Phrases and Code to Becoming a Better Person |
180.0 |
1999/10 |
Rhetoric by Aristotle |
149.3 |
1999/10 |
Selected Essays of Sir Francis Bacon by Sir Francis Bacon |
22.0 |
1999/10 |
Sermon des Cinquante by Voltaire |
120.9 |
1999/10 |
Sophist by Plato |
107.4 |
1999/10 |
Statesman by Plato |
59.7 |
1999/10 |
The Bhagavad Gita |
4.0 |
1999/10 |
The Black Panther Party: Program & Platform |
168.0 |
1999/10 |
The Complete Angler by Izaak Walton |
3.3 |
1999/10 |
The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto by Timothy C. May |
6.5 |
1999/10 |
The Dead Media Manifesto by Bruce Sterling |
17.7 |
1999/10 |
The Doctrine of the Mean by Confucius |
33.7 |
1999/10 |
The Ethics [Part I] by Benedict de Spinoza |
40.6 |
1999/10 |
The Ethics [Part II] by Benedict de Spinoza |
54.0 |
1999/10 |
The Ethics [Part III] by Benedict de Spinoza |
8.9 |
1999/10 |
The Great Learning by Confucius |
152.8 |
1999/10 |
The Gulistan of Sa di by Sheikh Muslih-uddin Shirazi Sa di |
157.0 |
1999/10 |
The Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis |
105.3 |
1999/10 |
The Papyrus of Ani |
425.4 |
1999/10 |
The Philosophy of Misery by Joseph-Pierre Proudhon |
83.6 |
1999/10 |
The Prince by Nicolo Machiavelli |
31.3 |
1999/10 |
The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran |
303.3 |
1999/10 |
The Republic by Plato |
10.7 |
1999/10 |
The Rubaiyat by Omar Khayyam |
173.7 |
1999/10 |
Theaetetus by Plato |
50.1 |
1999/10 |
Traite des trois imposteur |
76.4 |
1999/10 |
Utilitarianism by John Stuart Mill |
148.2 |
1999/10 |
Vatsyayana: The Kama Sutra |
324.0 |
1999/10 |
Walden & On The Duty of Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau |