File |
Size in KB |
Date |
Description |
18.5 |
1999/10 |
A Call to Heresy (Fifth Edition) |
1.3 |
1999/10 |
Aaronic Priesthood Mission Statement |
469.6 |
1999/10 |
American Standard Version (ASV) Bible - New Testament |
2.1 |
1999/10 |
Ashre: Psalm 145 (Judaism) |
72.9 |
1999/10 |
Baha i Prayers |
1.7 |
1999/10 |
Beracha Acharona (Said After Meals Without Bread) in English Characters |
5.1 |
1999/10 |
Book of Mormon Challenge |
1.6 |
1999/10 |
Books of the Bible |
10.6 |
1999/10 |
Catholic Social Teachings, from Cathechism of the Catholic Church |
6.8 |
1999/10 |
Channukah Laws (Judaism) |
2.0 |
1999/10 |
Commentary on Thirteen Principles of Faith (Judaism) |
22.6 |
1999/10 |
Dhammapada - 423 Sayings Originally Spoken by the Buddha |
2.3 |
1999/10 |
Essential Catholic Prayers |
80.0 |
1999/10 |
First Book of Adam and Eve by Rutherford Platt |
32.5 |
1999/10 |
Hadith on Faith - Islamic text |
2.3 |
1999/10 |
LDS Articles of Faith |
19.9 |
1999/10 |
Martin Luther's 95 Theses of 1517 |
5.3 |
1999/10 |
Membership Statistics for North American Churches (1994) |
283.9 |
1999/10 |
My Utmost for His Highest (Christian Devotional) |
291.1 |
1999/10 |
Pagan & Christian Creeds: Their Origin and Meaning by Edward Carpenter |
6.0 |
1999/10 |
Palm Mincha - the Weekday Mincha Service in English Characters |
1.4 |
1999/10 |
Palm T HaD - the Prayer for Travelers (Tefilat HaDerech) in English Characters |
40.2 |
1999/10 |
Shobogenzo Chapter Introductions (Buddhist text) |
22.7 |
1999/10 |
Short Verses of Wisdom from the Bahai Faith (one of Bahaullah's writings) |
1.1 |
1999/10 |
St. Patrick's Blessing (Traditional Irish Blessing) |
1.5 |
1999/10 |
The Angelus Prayer |
630.0 |
1999/10 |
The Bible in Spain by George Borrow |
1968.2 |
1999/10 |
The Bible King James Edition |
17.3 |
1999/10 |
The Book of the Law |
289.2 |
1999/10 |
The Confessions of Saint Augustine by Augustine |
27.2 |
1999/10 |
The Covenant of The Islamic Resistance Movement |
134.7 |
1999/10 |
The Divine Comedy, Volume 1, Hell [The Inferno] by Dante Aligheri |
145.1 |
1999/10 |
The Divine Comedy, Volume 2, Purgatory [Purgatorio] by Dante Aligheri |
142.9 |
1999/10 |
The Divine Comedy, Volume 3, Paradise [Paradiso] by Dante Aligheri |
11.2 |
1999/10 |
The Free Church Sabbath Day in Glasgow, 1848 |
174.4 |
1999/10 |
The Gospel of Buddha by Buddha |
3.1 |
1999/10 |
The Holy Rosary |
1.8 |
1999/10 |
The Holy Spirit - Christian Prayer Text |
23.7 |
1999/10 |
The Hymns of Martin Luther |
411.0 |
1999/10 |
The Quran (a.k.a. the Koran) - Islamic holy text |
3.7 |
1999/10 |
The Ten Commandments (with commentary) |
1.8 |
1999/10 |
The Ten Commandments |
43.3 |
1999/10 |
The Word by Buddha |
3.7 |
1999/10 |
Thirteen Principles of Faith (Judaism) |
8.0 |
1999/10 |
Weekday Ma ariv (Evening) Service (with Sephardic pronunciation) in English Characters |
330.6 |
1999/10 |
Zhuan Falun, Principles of Falun Gong |