Author Archives: Roger Lacroix

My name is Roger Lacroix and I am a die hard programmer. I have been programming since the 80s. My favorite programming languages are Java, C and Rexx. I have worked in the Airline, Retail but I have spent most of my time doing middleware work in the financial services industry. In 1994, I was introduced to IBM MQ (aka WebSphere MQ & MQSeries) and I thought it was the next best thing since man created fire. This blog will be about IBM MQ, Java, C, Rexx and any other interesting items that I can think of. I hope you enjoy it.

New: MQ Batch Toolkit v2.0.0


Capitalware Inc. would like to announce the official release of MQ Batch Toolkit v2.0.0. MQ Batch Toolkit allows users to manipulate, monitor and manage messages in a queue of a WebSphere MQ (formally MQSeries) queue manager from a command-line or shell scripting environment. For more information about MQ Batch Toolkit go to: Changes for […]

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SupportPac MS0T v7.0.1.7 and v7.1.0.0 Released


IBM has released version and of SupportPac MS0T. Changes: Updated for v7.1 Updated for v7.0.1.7 SupportPac MS0T (MQ Explorer) is a graphical configuration tool built on Eclipse which enables you to remotely explore and configure all WebSphere MQ objects and resources, including Java Message Service (JMS), and publish and subscribe. Regards, Roger […]

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WebSphere MQ Fix Pack Released


IBM has just released FixPack for WebSphere MQ. Regards, Roger Lacroix Capitalware Inc.

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Time for a New Laptop


For months, I have been looking at different laptops but none fit the bill (a small, light, fast laptop for a developer – yes, I want it all!!). Every time I found a potential laptop candidate , it would have a lousy screen resolution (i.e. 1366×768). My kids suggested (many times) that I get a […]

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Simple File Transfer using MQ File Mover (How To #2)


In the MQ File Mover (MQFM) How To #1 blog posting, MQFM ran in “bindings mode” when it connected to the queue managers. In this blog posting, I will show how to do the same simple file transfer but in “client mode” when MQFM connects to the queue managers. Client mode connectivity means that the […]

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Simple File Transfer using MQ File Mover (How To #1)


I get asked on a regular basis how to do a simple MQ File Mover (MQFM) setup on 2 servers. It is actually very straight forward and I will run through an example in this blog posting. In this example, the following servers are used: – aix001 is an AIX server with WMQ Server and […]

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OpenSUSE 12.1 Released


OpenSUSE has just released OpenSUSE v12.1. openSUSE is a free and Linux-based operating system for your PC, Laptop or Server. You can surf the web, manage your e-mails and photos, do office work, play videos or music and have a lot of fun! Regards, Roger Lacroix Capitalware Inc.

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New: MQ File Mover v4.0.0


Capitalware is pleased to announce the release of MQ File Mover v4.0.0. It is a free open source project. MQ File Mover is a managed file transfer solution that facilitates the transfer of files using IBM’s WebSphere MQ (aka MQSeries). MQFM processes “Action” commands which are controlled through an MQFM Workflow XML file. The user […]

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Solaris 11 Released


Oracle has just released Solaris v11. Oracle Solaris provides innovative, built-in features that deliver breakthrough high availability, advanced security, efficiency, and industry-leading scalability/performance to help businesses grow. Oracle Solaris is supported and fully optimized for SPARC and x86, the industry’s two leading enterprise architectures. Regards, Roger Lacroix Capitalware Inc.

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