Author Archives: Roger Lacroix

My name is Roger Lacroix and I am a die hard programmer. I have been programming since the 80s. My favorite programming languages are Java, C and Rexx. I have worked in the Airline, Retail but I have spent most of my time doing middleware work in the financial services industry. In 1994, I was introduced to IBM MQ (aka WebSphere MQ & MQSeries) and I thought it was the next best thing since man created fire. This blog will be about IBM MQ, Java, C, Rexx and any other interesting items that I can think of. I hope you enjoy it.

Mozilla Firefox 4.0 Released


Mozilla Firefox has just released Mozilla Firefox v4.0. Mozilla Firefox is a free and open source web browser descended from the Mozilla Application Suite and managed by Mozilla Corporation. To display web pages, Firefox uses the Gecko layout engine, which implements most current web standards in addition to several features that are intended to […]

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Capitalware’s letter to the NHL


Yesterday, I decided to send a letter to the NHL regarding the head shots and cheap shots going on in the NHL. Here is a scan of the letter that Capitalware sent to the NHL (in PDF format). Here is the text of the letter: Dear Commissioner Bettman: We are contacting you today to add […]

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A Comparison of Capitalware’s MQ Enterprise Security Suite to IBM’s WebSphere MQ Advanced Message Security


The following is a comparison of Capitalware’s MQ Enterprise Security Suite (MQESS) to IBM’s WebSphere MQ Advanced Message Security (WMQ AMS).   Capitalware’s MQESS IBM’s WMQ AMS Authentication Yes NO End-to-End Encryption Yes Yes Supported Encryption AES 128-bit AES 192-bit AES 256-bit   Yes Yes Yes   Yes No Yes Digital Signature SHA-2 SHA-1/MD5 Requires […]

Capitalware, IBM i (OS/400), IBM MQ, Linux, MQ Enterprise Security Suite, Security, Unix, Windows, z/OS Comments Off on A Comparison of Capitalware’s MQ Enterprise Security Suite to IBM’s WebSphere MQ Advanced Message Security

New: MQ Enterprise Security Suite


Capitalware Inc. would like to announce the official release of MQ Enterprise Security Suite. MQ Enterprise Security Suite (MQESS) is a new solution that provides authentication and data protection (Channels and Queues) for WebSphere MQ. MQ Enterprise Security Suite is comprised of: MQ Authenticate Security Exit for Authentication MQ Channel Encryption for Data Protection for […]

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New: MQ Message Encryption v1.0.0


Capitalware Inc. would like to announce the official release of MQ Message Encryption v1.0.0. MQ Message Encryption (MQME) provides encryption for MQ message data while it resides in a queue and in the MQ logs (i.e. all data at rest). In cryptography, encryption is the process of transforming information into an unreadable form (encrypted data). […]

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Why choose MQ Channel Encryption over SSL?


MQ Channel Encryption (MQCE) is priced at $299 USD (volume discounts available) per queue manager plus 15% yearly maintenance and support fee. SSL costs roughly $400 per certificate per year from a 3rd party CA (Certificate Authority). Hence, MQCE’s initial cost is cheaper than SSL and the ongoing yearly cost of MQCE is substantially cheaper […]

Capitalware, IBM i (OS/400), IBM MQ, Linux, MQ Message Encryption, Security, Unix, Windows, z/OS Comments Off on Why choose MQ Channel Encryption over SSL?

Security White Paper


James Michael Stewart of Global Knowledge has written a white paper called: Ten Ways Hackers Breach Security Here’s the interesting part: All too often when hacking is discussed, it is assumed that the hacker is some unknown outsider. However, studies have shown that a majority of security violations actually are caused by internal employees.  So, […]

IBM i (OS/400), IBM MQ, Linux, macOS (Mac OS X), MQ Authenticate User Security Exit, MQ Channel Encryption, MQ Enterprise Security Suite, MQ Message Encryption, MQ Standard Security Exit, Unix, Windows, z/OS Comments Off on Security White Paper

New WebSphere MQ v6 End of Service Date


The original WebSphere MQ v6 End of Service date was September 30th, 2011, as noted in my blog posting here: Just recently, IBM has changed/updated the WebSphere MQ v6 End of Service date to be September 30th, 2012 (they added one more year). Regards, Roger Lacroix Capitalware Inc.

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And now for something completely different: flocking (aka group behavior). If you ever had a need for an algorithm that handles flocking then have a look at this article (its really interesting):—flocking Regards, Roger Lacroix Capitalware Inc.

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New: MQ Channel Encryption v2.0.0


Capitalware Inc. would like to announce the official release of MQ Channel Encryption (MQCE) v2.0.0. MQCE provides encryption for WebSphere MQ (WMQ) message data over WMQ channels. MQCE operates with Sender, Receiver, Server, Requestor, Cluster-Sender, Cluster-Receiver, Server Connection and Client Connection channels of the WMQ queue managers. MQCE uses Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) to encrypt […]

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