Author Archives: Roger Lacroix

My name is Roger Lacroix and I am a die hard programmer. I have been programming since the 80s. My favorite programming languages are Java, C and Rexx. I have worked in the Airline, Retail but I have spent most of my time doing middleware work in the financial services industry. In 1994, I was introduced to IBM MQ (aka WebSphere MQ & MQSeries) and I thought it was the next best thing since man created fire. This blog will be about IBM MQ, Java, C, Rexx and any other interesting items that I can think of. I hope you enjoy it.

OpenBSD v6.4 Released


Theo de Raadt has just released OpenBSD v6.4. The OpenBSD project produces a FREE, multi-platform 4.4BSD-based UNIX-like operating system. Our efforts emphasize portability, standardization, correctness, proactive security and integrated cryptography. Regards, Roger Lacroix Capitalware Inc.

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Ubuntu 18.10 Released


Ubuntu has just released Ubuntu v18.10. Super-fast, easy to use and free, the Ubuntu operating system powers millions of desktops, netbooks and servers around the world. Ubuntu does everything you need it to. It’ll work with your existing PC files, printers, cameras and MP3 players. And it comes with thousands of free apps. Regards, […]

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Language Wars – Maybe Enough Already


Maybe I’m just old and grumpy, but I’m tired of surfing the internet and seeing language wars. I just saw this line “100% Java free!” the other day, listed as a product feature and it makes me shake my head. Of all the product features that would sell a product, you want to include that […]

.NET, Assembler, C, C#, C++, IBM MQ, Java, JMS, Linux, macOS (Mac OS X), MQ Batch Toolkit, MQ Visual Browse, MQ Visual Edit, MQTT, MQTT Message Viewer, Perl, Programming, Raspberry Pi, Rexx, Swift, Unix, Windows 2 Comments



Capitalware’s web site has been available as a secure (“https”) web site for several months. In the Summer, I tried turning on the auto redirection from “http” to “https” but it broke my online registration code in MQ Visual Edit, MQ Visual Browse, MQ Batch Toolkit and MQTT Message Viewer. I fixed the issue a […]

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LearnMQ from IBM Developer


During David Ware’s “What’s New in IBM MQ?” session at MQ Technical Conference v2.0.1.8, David announced LearnMQ (see slide 24). LearnMQ is a place where new users can get some FREE MQ training (and earn badges). The LearnMQ web site is broken down into 3 sections: MQ Essentials MQ Tutorials Run a Demo So, if […]

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MQ Lab at MQ Technical Conference v2.0.1.8


For those who don’t know, IBM sends laptops and lab materials to MQ Technical Conference (MQTC) for attendees to do FREE hands-on training. The MQ Lab was open to attendees all day Monday and Tuesday. I would like to thank Lyn Elkins, Jack Carnes Jr and Mitch Johnson from IBM for doing an awesome job […]

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And Now The End Is Near for MQ on HP-UX and Solaris


During David Ware’s “What’s New in IBM MQ?” session at MQ Technical Conference v2.0.1.8, the following was announced (see slide 46 of the PDF): IBM MQ on HP-UX Not on CD stream: Last release: MQ V9.0 LTS Statement of Direction: No further releases. IBM MQ on Solaris Not on CD stream: Last release: MQ V9.1 […]

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Third Day of MQ Technical Conference


Richard Nikula presenting ‘If you can’t clone yourself, Delegate!’ session: Rob Sordillo presenting the ‘REST Easy with Infrared360’ session: Krista Valentine presenting the ‘Licensing Lingo – The Users Guide to IBM Licensing’ session: Lunch: Chris Frank presenting the ‘What’s new with Logging in IBM MQ?’ session: Jonathan Levell presenting the ‘MQTT: The Protocol for the […]

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Second Day of MQ Technical Conference


Suganya Rane presenting ‘MQ on AWS’ session: Rob Parker presenting ‘Running MQ in the Cloud’ session: MQ Labs: Lunch: Afternoon snacks – tortilla & pita chips served with 4 different dips Mark Taylor presenting ‘Using Open Source solutions to monitor your queue managers’ session: Tuesday evening in the Vendor Pavilion – cheesecake: Regards, Roger Lacroix […]

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First Day of MQ Technical Conference v2.0.1.8


Opening Remarks: Selfie: David Ware presenting ‘What’s New in IBM Messaging’ session: MQ Labs: Lunch: Sandeep Chellingi presenting ‘MQ High Availability and Disaster recovery Implementation scenarios’ session: Afternoon desserts – ice cream social: Glen Brumbaugh presenting ‘MQ, IIB, Docker, Kubernetes and the IBM Cloud’ session: Monday evening in the Vendor Pavilion: Regards, Roger Lacroix Capitalware […]

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