Author Archives: Roger Lacroix

My name is Roger Lacroix and I am a die hard programmer. I have been programming since the 80s. My favorite programming languages are Java, C and Rexx. I have worked in the Airline, Retail but I have spent most of my time doing middleware work in the financial services industry. In 1994, I was introduced to IBM MQ (aka WebSphere MQ & MQSeries) and I thought it was the next best thing since man created fire. This blog will be about IBM MQ, Java, C, Rexx and any other interesting items that I can think of. I hope you enjoy it.

IBM MQ Fix Pack Released


IBM has just released FixPack for IBM MQ V9.0 LTS Regards, Roger Lacroix Capitalware Inc.

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Debian 8.8 Released


Debian Project has just released Debian 8.8. Debian is a free operating system (OS) for your computer. An operating system is the set of basic programs and utilities that make your computer run. Debian uses the Linux kernel (the core of an operating system), but most of the basic OS tools come from the […]

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MQ End of Service Dates


So, what version of IBM MQ (aka WebSphere MQ & MQSeries) are you running? Are you behind in upgrading your release of MQ? Everybody “should be” running IBM MQ v7.5, v8.0 or v9.0, if you want support from IBM. In case it has slipped your mind, here is a list of IBM MQ releases and […]

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VR, AR & Hype, Hype, Hype – What about Real Reality?


CEOs, CTOs & the news media love to hype the next ground-breaking technology (or so they claim). Not so long ago, 3D was the “it” technology. 3D TVs and 3D content were going to replace how we watched TV. Well, that fad came and went for a variety of reasons. i.e. required special glasses, eye […]

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MQTC v2.0.1.7 Gold Sponsor: MQGem Software


Capitalware would like to announce that MQGem Software is a Gold Sponsor of MQ Technical Conference v2.0.1.7 (MQTC). So, both Paul Clarke and Morag Hughson will be speakers at MQTC v2.0.1.7. For more information, please go to: Regards, Roger Lacroix Capitalware Inc.

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Ubuntu 17.04 Released


Ubuntu has just released Ubuntu v17.04. Super-fast, easy to use and free, the Ubuntu operating system powers millions of desktops, netbooks and servers around the world. Ubuntu does everything you need it to. It’ll work with your existing PC files, printers, cameras and MP3 players. And it comes with thousands of free apps. Regards, […]

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RFE – Add support for “$SYS Topic” messages to MQXR component


Please review and vote for this RFE if you think it’s a good idea. The link below will take you directly there. Headline: Add support for “$SYS Topic” messages to MQXR component of IBM MQ URL to review the RFE and Vote for it if you like: Description: For the MQXR component (MQTT Broker), […]

IBM i (OS/400), IBM MQ, Linux, MQTT, Unix, Windows Comments Off on RFE – Add support for “$SYS Topic” messages to MQXR component

RFE – Add QM name and channel MCAUSER attribute to be passed to JAAS modules


Please review and vote for this RFE if you think it’s a good idea. The link below will take you directly there. Headline: Add queue manager name and channel MCAUSER attribute to be passed to JAAS modules URL to review the RFE and Vote for it if you like: Description: For MQTT and AMQP […]

IBM i (OS/400), IBM MQ, Java, Linux, Security, Unix, Windows Comments Off on RFE – Add QM name and channel MCAUSER attribute to be passed to JAAS modules

Scam/Fraud Email ‘Canada Provincial Nomination Programs’


I received another weird scam/fraudulent email that Spam Assassin didn’t remove. This email is funny and sad at the same time. It is funny because I was born and raised in Canada (and still live in Canada) and the email is about immigrating to Canada. It is sad because there are so many refugees who […]

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SQLite v3.18.0 Released


D. Richard Hipp has just released SQLite v3.18.0. SQLite is a software library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine. SQLite is the most widely deployed SQL database engine in the world. The source code for SQLite is in the public domain. Regards, Roger Lacroix Capitalware Inc.

C, Database, IBM i (OS/400), Linux, macOS (Mac OS X), Open Source, Programming, Unix, Windows Comments Off on SQLite v3.18.0 Released