Archive for the Category: Linux

New: MQ Message Encryption v4.0.0

Capitalware Inc. would like to announce the official release of MQ Message Encryption v4.0.0. This is a FREE upgrade for ALL licensed users of MQ Message Encryption. MQME provides encryption for MQ message data while it resides in a queue and in the MQ logs (i.e. all data at rest). For more information about MQME, […]

Also posted in Capitalware, IBM i (OS/400), IBM MQ, MQ Message Encryption, Security, Unix, Windows Comments Off on New: MQ Message Encryption v4.0.0

New: MQ Channel Encryption v3.2.0

Capitalware Inc. would like to announce the official release of MQ Channel Encryption (MQCE) v3.2.0. This is a FREE upgrade for ALL licensed users of MQCE. MQCE provides encryption for message data over IBM MQ channels. MQCE operates with Sender, Receiver, Server, Requester, Cluster-Sender, Cluster-Receiver, Server Connection and Client Connection channels of the WMQ queue […]

Also posted in Capitalware, IBM i (OS/400), IBM MQ, MQ Channel Encryption, Security, Unix, Windows Comments Off on New: MQ Channel Encryption v3.2.0

New: MQ Channel Throttler v1.1.0

Capitalware Inc. would like to announce the official release of MQ Channel Throttler v1.1.0. This is a FREE upgrade for ALL licensed users of MQ Channel Throttler. MQCT provides the ability to control/throttle the number of messages or bytes that flow over a channel. For more information about MQCT, please go to: Added extra […]

Also posted in Capitalware, IBM i (OS/400), IBM MQ, MQ Channel Throttler, Unix, Windows Comments Off on New: MQ Channel Throttler v1.1.0

New: MQ Authenticate User Security Exit v3.3.0

Capitalware Inc. would like to announce the official release of MQ Authenticate User Security Exit v3.3.0. This is a FREE upgrade for ALL licensed users of MQ Authenticate User Security Exit. MQ Authenticate User Security Exit is a solution that allows a company to fully authenticate a user who is accessing an IBM MQ resource. […]

Also posted in Capitalware, IBM i (OS/400), IBM MQ, MQ Authenticate User Security Exit, Security, Unix, Windows Comments Off on New: MQ Authenticate User Security Exit v3.3.0

New: MQ Standard Security Exit v2.4.0

Capitalware Inc. would like to announce the official release of MQ Standard Security Exit v2.4.0. This is a FREE upgrade for ALL licensed users of MQ Standard Security Exit. MQ Standard Security Exit is a solution that allows a MQAdmin to control and restrict who is accessing an IBM MQ resource. For more information about […]

Also posted in Capitalware, IBM i (OS/400), IBM MQ, MQ Standard Security Exit, Security, Unix, Windows Comments Off on New: MQ Standard Security Exit v2.4.0

New: MQ Auditor v3.0.0

Capitalware Inc. would like to announce the official release of MQ Auditor v3.0.0. This is a FREE upgrade for ALL licensed users of MQ Auditor. MQ Auditor is a solution that allows a company to audit/track all MQ API calls performed by MQ applications that are connected to a queue manager. For more information about […]

Also posted in Capitalware, IBM i (OS/400), IBM MQ, MQ Auditor, Unix, Windows Comments Off on New: MQ Auditor v3.0.0

New: MQ Channel Connection Inspector v1.0.0

Capitalware Inc. would like to announce the official release of MQ Channel Connection Inspector v1.0.0. MQ Channel Connection Inspector (MQCCI) is a solution that allows a company to track and/or audit what information a client application or remote queue manager is exchanging with the local queue manager when a connection is made. MQCCI is comprised […]

Also posted in Capitalware, IBM i (OS/400), IBM MQ, MQ Channel Connection Inspector, Unix, Windows Comments Off on New: MQ Channel Connection Inspector v1.0.0

Code to Show the IBM MQ JMS Message Named Property Issue

I’m getting comments/questions about the blog posting I made yesterday: IBM MQ JMS Message Named Property Issues. There are 2 ways to create a JMS message with a non-JMS Java program: You can use the MQRFH2 class You can use Named Properties and specify “mcd.Msd”, “jms.Dst” and “jms.Pri” properties. Here is a simple non-JMS Java […]

Also posted in HPE NonStop, IBM i (OS/400), IBM MQ, Java, JMS, macOS (Mac OS X), Programming, Unix, Windows, z/OS 2 Comments

IBM MQ JMS Message Named Property Issues

Ah, the joys of writing applications for IBM MQ and inevitable customer support that goes with it. 🙂 Late last week, a customer contacted me with an issue with MQ Visual Edit (MQVE) saying after adding Named Properties (i.e. mcd.Msd, etc.) to a regular message which should turn it into a JMS message, they could […]

Also posted in HPE NonStop, IBM i (OS/400), IBM MQ, Java, JMS, macOS (Mac OS X), MQ Visual Edit, Programming, Unix, Windows, z/OS 3 Comments

More Information on Command Server’s Issues

As some of you may have read in T.Rob Wyatt’s blog, I’ve been doing some testing with MQ Auditor enabled on a queue manager to see what is going on under the covers with MQ and sending my results to T.Rob. I was just going to send a simple note to T.Rob saying he should […]

Also posted in HPE NonStop, IBM i (OS/400), IBM MQ, Java, MQ Visual Edit, Unix, Windows, z/OS 2 Comments