Archive for the Category: IBM i (OS/400)

WebSphere MQ FixPack Released

IBM has just released FixPack for WebSphere MQ. Regards, Roger Lacroix Capitalware Inc.

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Java SE 7 Released

Oracle has released Java Standard Edition version 7. Regards, Roger Lacroix Capitalware Inc.

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Free, limited-edition e-book: Systems Engineering for Dummies

IBM is giving away free copies of the e-book: Systems Engineering for Dummies Learn what systems engineering is, and how it can help you speed time to market, improve business agility, and develop and deliver smarter, higher-quality, more connected products while cutting costs. Regards, Roger Lacroix Capitalware Inc.

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Java 7.0 Preview Release

Oracle has issued the first release candidate of Java Standard Edition version 7. Regards, Roger Lacroix Capitalware Inc.

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MQ File Mover v4 beta

I am working on the next release of MQ File Mover and was working if anyone working like to beta test it? (This is a beta, so do not put it into your production environments.) Here are the new features/updates so far: – Added support for unlimited file size for Send, Receive and Watch Actions […]

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MQAUSX and AES 256-bit Encryption

MQ Authenticate User Security Exit (MQAUSX) currently uses the ‘Tiny Encryption Algorithm Variant’ (aka TEAV or XTEA) for encryption and decryption of the user’s password between the client-side security exit and the server-side security exit. The security group of existing customers and potential customers are requesting that we use Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) symmetric-key encryption […]

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Setting up communication between 2 queue managers

Defining the MQ objects (channels and queues) for each queue manager is very straightforward, the trick is making sure the user matches the names of the channels for each queue manager. To setup communication between 2 queue managers, each queue manager requires a minimum of 1 send channel, 1 transmission queue and 1 receiver channel. […]

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WebSphere MQ FixPack Released

IBM has just released FixPack for WebSphere MQ. Regards, Roger Lacroix Capitalware Inc.

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New: MQRC2-GUI v1.0.1 and MQRC2 v1.1.1

Capitalware Inc. would like to announce the official release of MQRC2-GUI v1.0.1 and MQRC2 v1.1.1. Updates for MQRC2-GUI v1.0.1: Added code to perform better number checking for Reason Code and AMQ Message Number fields Fixed an issue with reason codes 2424 to 2539 and 6100 to 6129 Updates for MQRC2 v1.1.1: Fixed an issue with […]

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MQFM: Submit your code changes

I am in the process of updating the open source project MQ File Mover (MQFM). I would like everyone who has modified MQFM source code to submit their changes (now), for the upcoming release. It will be far easier to merge the changes before the next release than after the release. Please submit any and […]

Also posted in Capitalware, IBM MQ, Java, Linux, macOS (Mac OS X), MQ File Mover, Open Source, Unix, Windows Comments Off on MQFM: Submit your code changes