Archive for the Category: IBM MQ

New: Universal File Mover v1.2.1

Capitalware is pleased to announce the release of Universal File Mover v1.2.1. It is a free open source project. Universal File Mover is more than a simple tool to manage the transfer of files. It allows the user to combine business processes into a workflow. The user combines a series of Action commands to create […]

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MQTC v2.0.1.5 Platinum Sponsor: IBM

Capitalware would like to announce that IBM is a Platinum Sponsor of MQ Technical Conference v2.0.1.5 (MQTC). For more information, please go to: Regards, Roger Lacroix Capitalware Inc.

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SupportPac MS0T v8.0.0.3 Released

IBM has released SupportPac MS0T for version v8.0.0.3: Changes: Updated for v8.0.0.3 SupportPac MS0T (MQ Explorer) is a graphical configuration tool built on Eclipse which enables you to remotely explore and configure all WebSphere MQ objects and resources, including Java Message Service (JMS), and publish and subscribe. Regards, Roger Lacroix Capitalware Inc.

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WebSphere MQ Fix Pack Released

IBM has just released FixPack for WebSphere MQ Regards, Roger Lacroix Capitalware Inc.

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Barry Lamkin will be Speaking at MQTC

Barry Lamkin will be presenting the following sessions at MQ Technical Conference v2.0.1.5 (MQTC): Barry Lamkin’s Technical Session: The top ten issues in IBM MQ and IIB Barry Lamkin’s Vendor Sessions: What is new in OMEGAMON XE for Messaging v7.3 What happened to my Transaction For more information about MQTC, please go to: Regards, […]

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Capitalware Product Advisory for Windows

It has been discovered that a common subroutine for dumping environment variables on Windows had an error with the FreeEnvironmentStrings Windows API call. Hence, this would cause the product to leak memory on Windows. This is true regardless of the IniFile’s LogMode keyword value. This issue affects all Capitalware commercial and ‘Licensed As Free’ products […]

Also posted in Capitalware, Licensed As Free, MQ Auditor, MQ Authenticate User Security Exit, MQ Channel Encryption, MQ Enterprise Security Suite, MQ Message Encryption, MQ Standard Security Exit, Windows 1 Comment

Matt Whitehead 3rd Session for MQTC v2.0.1.5

I just received information about Matt Whitehead’s 3rd session. It will be on deploying MQ Light applications. Matthew Whitehead’s Sessions: An Introduction to MQ Light, MQ beta support for AMQP, and Bluemix An Introduction to JMS 2.0 in MQ V8 Deploying MQ Light applications against MQ For more information about MQTC, please go to: […]

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Art Rodriguez will be Speaking at MQTC v2.0.1.5

More news. Art Rodriguez of TxMQ will be speaking at MQ Technical Conference v2.0.1.5 (MQTC). Art Rodriguez’s Sessions: MQ for Administrators MQ Internet Pass Through For more information about MQTC, please go to: Regards, Roger Lacroix Capitalware Inc.

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Allan Bartleywood and Gary Dischner will be Speaking at MQTC v2.0.1.5

More news. Allan Bartleywood and Gary Dischner of TxMQ will be speaking at MQ Technical Conference v2.0.1.5 (MQTC). Gary Dischner’s Technical Sessions: MQ Telemetry Allan Bartleywood’s Technical Session: Can your App keep up with MQ Allan Bartleywood’s Vendor Sessions: MQ Capacity Planner TxMQ Virtual MQ For more information about MQTC, please go to: Regards, […]

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Jeff Lowrey will be Speaking at MQTC v2.0.1.5

More news. Jeff Lowrey of IBM will be speaking at MQ Technical Conference v2.0.1.5 (MQTC). Jeff Lowrey’s Sessions: Advanced MQTT for Developers IOTF, MessageSight and Bluemix For more information about MQTC, please go to: Regards, Roger Lacroix Capitalware Inc.

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