Archive for the Category: IBM MQ

SupportPac MS0T v8.0.0.1 Released With APAR IT04736

IBM has released SupportPac MS0T for version v8.0.0.1 with APAR IT04736: Changes: Updated to include the fix for APAR IT04736 Updated for v8.0.0.1 SupportPac MS0T (MQ Explorer) is a graphical configuration tool built on Eclipse which enables you to remotely explore and configure all WebSphere MQ objects and resources, including Java Message Service (JMS), […]

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Name change: Capitalware’s MQ Technical Conference???

At MQTC v2.0.1.4, several people mentioned that initially, they thought “Capitalware’s MQ Technical Conference” was ONLY a conference on Capitalware’s products. I was surprised by these comments and made me wonder how many people ‘out there’ also think MQTC is only on Capitalware’s products. So, I’m thinking of changing the conference name to: – MQ […]

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Summary of MQ Technical Conference v2.0.1.4

Summary of MQ Technical Conference v2.0.1.4 I would like to thank the attendees, speakers and sponsors for participating in the 2nd annual MQ Technical Conference. Kalahari catering had a few hiccups but outside of that, I think everything went reasonably well. I did my best to make sure that each breakfast and lunch had something […]

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Presentations for MQ Technical Conference

I have updated the Sessions web page to include links to each session’s presentation (in PDF format). As I get the final few presentations, I’ll update the Sessions web page. Regards, Roger Lacroix Capitalware Inc.

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Third Day of MQ Technical Conference

Breakfast: Omelet bar at Breakfast: Chris Frank presenting ‘So You Think You Understand Multi-Instance Queue Managers?’ session: Lunch: Suganya Rane presenting the ‘An Overview of MQ Clustering’ session: Afternoon desserts: Dave Ware presenting the ‘What can you achieve with MQ clusters?’ session: Regards, Roger Lacroix Capitalware Inc.

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Second Day of MQ Technical Conference

Breakfast: Glen Brumbaugh presenting ‘IBM MQ “Golden Image” Queue Managers’ session: Lunch: Paul Clarke presenting ‘Keeping MQ Channels Up And Running’ session: Afternoon desserts – cheesecake: Tim Zielke presenting the ‘MQ Problem Determination With Tracing on Linux’ session: Regards, Roger Lacroix Capitalware Inc.

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First Day of MQ Technical Conference v2.0.1.4

This year’s attendees was up by 22-24% over last year’s conference. 🙂 To my surprise, there were people waiting at 7:25AM to register for the conference at 7:30AM. Talk about eager beavers. 🙂 Registration time: Breakfast: Mark Taylor presenting ‘What’s New in IBM messaging’ session: Lunch: Lyn Elkins presenting ‘IBM MQ for z/OS: Latest Features […]

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MQ Java/JMS JAR Files Available Separately

For those of us who have been using IBM MQ (aka WebSphere MQ, MQSeries) for a very long time, you may remember SupportPac MA88. SupportPac MA88 contained the MQ Java/JMS JAR files as a separate package. Well, IBM has decided (again) to release MQ Java/JMS JAR files as a separate package: Regards, Roger Lacroix […]

Also posted in IBM i (OS/400), Java, JMS, Linux, macOS (Mac OS X), Unix, Windows, z/OS Comments Off on MQ Java/JMS JAR Files Available Separately

SupportPac MS0T v8.0.0.1 Released

IBM has released SupportPac MS0T for version v8.0.0.1: Changes: Updated for v8.0.0.1 SupportPac MS0T (MQ Explorer) is a graphical configuration tool built on Eclipse which enables you to remotely explore and configure all WebSphere MQ objects and resources, including Java Message Service (JMS), and publish and subscribe. Regards, Roger Lacroix Capitalware Inc.

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MQAUSX and z/MQAUSX v2.0.1.* FBA Issue

The following was recently reported: For interim MQAUSX and z/MQAUSX releases,, and, there is an issue with MQAUSX and z/MQAUSX not recognizing the filename specified for FBAFile keyword. The issue has been fixed. If anyone is having this particular issue then send an email to and we will send you […]

Also posted in Capitalware, IBM i (OS/400), Linux, MQ Authenticate User Security Exit, Security, Unix, Windows, z/OS Comments Off on MQAUSX and z/MQAUSX v2.0.1.* FBA Issue