Archive for the Category: IBM MQ

New: Universal File Mover v1.0.2

Capitalware is pleased to announce the release of Universal File Mover v1.0.2. It is a free open source project. Universal File Mover is more than a simple tool to manage the transfer of files. It allows the user to combine business processes into a workflow. The user combines a series of Action commands to create […]

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New: MQ File Mover v4.1.7

Capitalware is pleased to announce the release of MQ File Mover v4.1.7. It is a free open source project. MQ File Mover is a managed file transfer solution that facilitates the transfer of files using IBM’s WebSphere MQ (aka MQSeries). MQFM processes “Action” commands which are controlled through an MQFM Workflow XML file. The user […]

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Again MS Visual C++ 2010 bites me in the …

I really hate MS Visual C++ 2010. I have had so many problems since I installed it a couple of weeks ago that it is driving me crazy. I have an MQ API Exit built for Windows 64-bit (via a script) with /Release /x64. And in the makefile I use the parameter /LD for the […]

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Updated MMX and MRTR Load-Modules for z/OS

Yesterday afternoon while doing some z/OS MQ testing, I discovered that both Message Multiplexer (MMX) and Message Router (MRTR) had been linked with the wrong MQ stub. Oy vey!! I relinked both MMX and MRTR with the correct MQ stub (CSQBSTUB) then posted the both download archives to Capitalware’s web site. Note: The source did […]

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Using Universal File Mover on Mac OS X (How To #6)

In this blog posting, I will discuss the prerequisites and issue related to using UFM on Mac OS X. First, as with any other platform that you run UFM on, Mac OS X must have Java v1.5.0 or higher installed. Second, follow the “Unix and Linux” instructions from the UFM Installation and Operation manual for […]

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Scheduling a Simple File Transfer using Universal File Mover (How To #5)

At, a user asked the following question: I’m using MQ FTE version , and I’d like to make a File Transfer to occur from Tuesday to Saturday , is it possible? Since this is very easy to do in UFM, I thought I would make a ‘UFM How To’ from the question. I […]

Also posted in Capitalware, IBM i (OS/400), Java, Linux, macOS (Mac OS X), Open Source, Universal File Mover, Unix, Windows Comments Off on Scheduling a Simple File Transfer using Universal File Mover (How To #5)

Middleware Messaging FUD

I was reading various articles today and I stumbled upon this article: AMQP: The new king of middleware messaging at SD Times. When I first read it, I started laughing so hard because I thought it was a joke. Then I realized it was not some sort of time-warped joke but rather just straight FUD […]

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New: MQ Message Encryption v2.0.0

Capitalware Inc. would like to announce the official release of MQ Message Encryption v2.0.0. MQ Message Encryption (MQME) provides encryption for MQ message data while it resides in a queue and in the MQ logs (i.e. all data at rest). In cryptography, encryption is the process of transforming information into an unreadable form (encrypted data). […]

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End-To-End Encryption with Universal File Mover (How To #4)

In the Universal File Mover (UFM) How To #2 blog posting, UFM ran in “client mode” when it connected to the queue managers. In this blog posting, I will show how to implement a simple file transfer using End-To-End encryption when connecting to the queue manager in “client mode”. UFM’s MQSend Action uses Advanced Encryption […]

Also posted in Capitalware, IBM i (OS/400), Java, Linux, macOS (Mac OS X), Open Source, Security, Universal File Mover, Unix, Windows Comments Off on End-To-End Encryption with Universal File Mover (How To #4)

GSS Chat Starter Edition v1.0.0 Released

Grail Software Solutions has just released GSS Chat Starter Edition v1.0.0 (aka SupportPac MA99). GSS Chat Starter Edition is a set of Eclipse features which can be used to enable real-time conversations between the administrator and end-users of applications and systems using an IBM WebSphere MQ. Regards, Roger Lacroix Capitalware Inc.

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