Archive for the Category: MQ Channel Encryption

New: MQ Channel Encryption for z/OS v3.3.0

Capitalware Inc. would like to announce the official release of MQ Channel Encryption for z/OS (z/MQCE) v3.3.0. This is a FREE upgrade for ALL licensed users of z/MQCE. z/MQCE provides encryption for message data over IBM MQ channels. z/MQCE operates with Sender, Receiver, Server, Requester, Cluster-Sender, Cluster-Receiver, Server Connection and Client Connection channels of the […]

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Weird Problem related to a Channel Security Exit

I posted the following weird channel security exit problem on the MQSeries ListServer. I received a lot of emails (both public and private) offering help to the problem. Thanks. It was not an SELinux issue nor was it a corrupt shared library issue. It was an issue related to permissions for a mount point. Here […]

Also posted in IBM MQ, Linux, MQ Auditor, MQ Authenticate User Security Exit, MQ Channel Connection Inspector, MQ Channel Throttler, MQ Enterprise Security Suite, MQ Message Encryption, MQ Message Replication, MQ Standard Security Exit, Unix Comments Off on Weird Problem related to a Channel Security Exit

New MQCE and MQCT IniFile GUI Tools

Since I had a little free time in December, I decided to create IniFile GUI Tools for both MQ Channel Encryption (MQCE) and MQ Channel Throttler (MQCT). Previously, I never bothered creating IniFile GUI Tools for those 2 products because they don’t have many keyword parameters but I figured “why not”, if it makes the […]

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Here We Go Again!

Capitalware is being forced to change our online shopping cart again. Ugh! When Capitalware started selling software in 2003 (yup, a long time ago), I signed up with RegSoft (owned by Digital River) to handle the online shopping cart. Everything worked well and I was happy with the setup. In January 2011, Digital River decided […]

Also posted in Capitalware, MQ Auditor, MQ Authenticate User Security Exit, MQ Batch Toolkit, MQ Channel Connection Inspector, MQ Channel Throttler, MQ Enterprise Security Suite, MQ File Mover, MQ Message Encryption, MQ Message Replication, MQ Standard Security Exit, MQ Technical Conference, MQ Visual Browse, MQ Visual Edit, MQTT Message Viewer, Universal File Mover Comments Off on Here We Go Again!

Capitalware Products 2018 Release Train

Here is a summary of all the recent releases that Capitalware Inc. has published: Blog posting for product releases: MQ Auditor v3.0.0 MQ Authenticate User Security Exit v3.3.0 MQ Authenticate User Security Exit for z/OS v3.3.0 MQ Channel Connection Inspector v1.0.0 MQ Channel Connection Inspector for z/OS v1.0.0 MQ Channel Encryption v3.2.0 MQ Channel Encryption […]

Also posted in Capitalware, IBM i (OS/400), IBM MQ, Licensed As Free, Linux, MQ Auditor, MQ Authenticate User Security Exit, MQ Channel Connection Inspector, MQ Channel Throttler, MQ Enterprise Security Suite, MQ Message Encryption, MQ Message Replication, MQ Standard Security Exit, Security, Unix, Windows, z/OS Comments Off on Capitalware Products 2018 Release Train

New: MQ Channel Encryption v3.2.0

Capitalware Inc. would like to announce the official release of MQ Channel Encryption (MQCE) v3.2.0. This is a FREE upgrade for ALL licensed users of MQCE. MQCE provides encryption for message data over IBM MQ channels. MQCE operates with Sender, Receiver, Server, Requester, Cluster-Sender, Cluster-Receiver, Server Connection and Client Connection channels of the WMQ queue […]

Also posted in Capitalware, IBM i (OS/400), IBM MQ, Linux, Security, Unix, Windows Comments Off on New: MQ Channel Encryption v3.2.0

New: MQ Channel Encryption for z/OS v3.2.0

Capitalware Inc. would like to announce the official release of MQ Channel Encryption for z/OS (z/MQCE) v3.2.0. This is a FREE upgrade for ALL licensed users of z/MQCE. z/MQCE provides encryption for message data over IBM MQ channels. z/MQCE operates with Sender, Receiver, Server, Requester, Cluster-Sender, Cluster-Receiver, Server Connection and Client Connection channels of the […]

Also posted in Capitalware, IBM MQ, Security, z/OS Comments Off on New: MQ Channel Encryption for z/OS v3.2.0

Capitalware z/OS and IBM i Product Advisory

A potential bug was discovered in Capitalware’s logging framework, see here for more details, for commercial and “Licensed as Free” products for z/OS and IBM i. Commercial Products affected: MQ Authenticate User Security Exit for IBM i MQ Channel Encryption for IBM i MQ Standard Security Exit for IBM i MQ Authenticate User Security Exit […]

Also posted in Capitalware, IBM i (OS/400), IBM MQ, Licensed As Free, MQ Authenticate User Security Exit, MQ Standard Security Exit, z/OS Comments Off on Capitalware z/OS and IBM i Product Advisory

MQ Resource Adapter and MQ Exits

It is always interesting to see what IBM Support thinks of issues and their resolution. 🙂 Case in point: Background: Several months ago, a long-time customer of MQ Authenticate User Security Exit (MQAUSX) was deploying a JBoss V7 server and needed to configure the MQAUSX client-side security exit to be used for authentication to […]

Also posted in Capitalware, IBM MQ, Java, JMS, Linux, MQ Authenticate User Security Exit, Unix, Windows Comments Off on MQ Resource Adapter and MQ Exits

MQ Channel Encryption Product Advisory

It has been discovered that very small TSH segments will cause MQCEJ (Java/JMS) and MQCEDN (.NET) to throw an exception. The issue has been fixed and a product update is available. To get the latest Capitalware commercial product release, send an email to and we will send you the latest release of the product. […]

Also posted in .NET, Capitalware, IBM MQ, Java, Linux, Security, Unix, Windows, z/OS Comments Off on MQ Channel Encryption Product Advisory