Daily Archives: January 17, 2020

IBM MQ and C# .NET Compatibility

Today, I went to build (compile) and run a C# .NET/MQ sample that I have which worked perfectly before and I got the following error when I ran it: I compiled it again. No errors and it successfully generated the executable. Weird. When I ran it, I got the above error message. I searched the […]

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JMS/MQRFH2 Message Properties in “other” Folder

On StackOverflow, someone asked about having an “other” folder (not “usr”) with an MQRFH2 (aka JMS) message. That day, I played around with a MQ/Java program that created various folders in an MQRFH2 message. i.e. When I ran a MQ/JMS program to retrieve the messages, the MQ/JMS programs simply ignore all folders outside of ‘mcd’, […]

C, IBM i (OS/400), IBM MQ, Java, JMS, Linux, macOS (Mac OS X), Programming, Unix, Windows, z/OS Comments Off on JMS/MQRFH2 Message Properties in “other” Folder