WebSphere MQ Administration Seminar

I receive emails from people all the time asking me where they can get training on WebSphere MQ. I generally tell them to take one of the IBM WebSphere MQ courses. Today, I received the following email from WebSphere Insights:

We’re proud to announce the launch of our new 3-day seminar: WebSphere MQ Administration, coming to 5 cities near you in 2012, starting in New York, June 5-8. New to WebSphere MQ Administration or feeling less than confident in your skills? Join us at our 1-day workshop prior to the seminar and ensure you have a foundation to execute with confidence.

This seminar will dive into best practices and real-world advice to solve your MQ challenges on both distributed platforms (Unix and Windows) and the mainframe (IBM System z). From root cause analysis, to security, High Availability (HA) clustering, and the future of MQ, this seminar covers what you need to take your WebSphere MQ Administration skills to the next level.

They are offering the WebSphere MQ Administration seminar 5 times:

  • New York — June 5-8
  • Chicago — October 9-12
  • London — October 23-26
  • Orlando — November 12-14
  • Amsterdam — December 4-7

Disclaimer: I know absolutely nothing about WebSphere Insights nor the seminar they are offering. I do not even know where they got my email address from, so buyer beware. Hence, please do NOT take my blog posting as an endorsement of WebSphere Insights or their seminar.

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

This entry was posted in IBM i (OS/400), IBM MQ, Linux, Unix, Windows, z/OS.

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