Excelsior JET Charity Bundle

Excelsior have announced the Excelsior JET charity bundle, where you can get the standard edition of Excelsior JET for just $10 (without support), and they contribute all of the money to charity.

That’s a discount of over $1,100 from the list price of Excelsior JET Standard Edition. What’s the catch? No support. That’s fine, just read the manual. 🙂

This is a true win-win offer. A charity gets some money and the purchaser gets a perpetual license to Excelsior JET Standard Edition. 🙂

If you are a Java developer or a company that produces Java applications, you should REALLY sit up and take notice of this time-limited offer because when do you ever get to save money AND do the right thing at the same time!!!

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

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