Again MS Visual C++ 2010 bites me in the …

I really hate MS Visual C++ 2010. I have had so many problems since I installed it a couple of weeks ago that it is driving me crazy.

I have an MQ API Exit built for Windows 64-bit (via a script) with /Release /x64.

CALL "D:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1\Bin\SetEnv.cmd" /Release /x64
nmake -f makefile.vc64.nt %1

And in the makefile I use the parameter /LD for the cl command to build the DLL:

$(cc) $(cflags) $(cvarsdll) /LD $(scall) -Fo$@ $(MYSRC)$(@B).c

This has worked fine for many years and different Microsoft compilers but not with Visual C++ 2010.

A customer was running a 64-bit application on their server but MQ would not load the 64-bit version of the mqa.dll. Here is what was in the MQ trace file:

FullPathLibName(C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere MQ\exits64\mqa.dll) RC(24948) WindowsErrorNumber(126) WindowsErrorString(The specified module could not be found.)

The customer verified many times that the 64-bit version of mqa.dll was indeed in the correct location. Hence, a PMR was opened with IBM.

IBM had the customer run the Process Monitor program against it and output the data to a file. In the file, there were many occurrences of “MSVCR100D.dll NAME NOT FOUND”. MSVCR100D.dll is the debug version of MSVCR100.dll (note the extra “D” in the file name of the debug version).

I reviewed my makefile to make sure that I was not using either “_DEBUG” or “/LDd” (or /Debug /x64 for the environment) that would cause the “cl” command to build the DLL for a debug environment but everything was correct.

I even checked Microsoft’s MSDN regarding /LD parameter:

I rebuild the DLL several times and when I checked the DLL, it pointed to MSVCR100D.dll and not MSVCR100.dll.

After a bunch of Google searches and finding other people with the same problem using Visual C++ or Visual Studio 2010, I changed /LD to /MD and rebuild the DLL. When I checked the DLL, it now points to msvcr100.dll – which is correct.

I do not understand it. Microsoft’s documentation says that parameter /LD creates a dll and parameter /LDd creates a dll for debugging. There must be some sort of bug in MS Visual C++. 🙁 All I can do is shake my head in frustration.

I REALLY wish IBM would officially support GCC on Windows, so that I could get away from Microsoft’s Visual C++ 2010. I don’t have these stupid headaches on Linux!! I do have GCC 32-bit and 64-bit for Windows on my PC and do successfully build MQ applications and DLLs with it – I just don’t give them to customers (I don’t want GCC to get blamed when an issue shows up).

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

This entry was posted in C, Capitalware, IBM MQ, Programming, Windows.

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