Have you been contacted?

A customer just contacted me saying that since MQTC v2.0.1.3, people at their company who attended the conference along with managers, Directors and Sr. Directors, CIO, etc. have been contacted by someone named Danny Hyatt from Washington State University. This person is asking for contact information to send out a thank you card.

I do not know who this person is nor have I asked a 3rd party to send out a ‘thank you card’. The ONLY person who would be contacting MQTC attendees would be ME.

Please do NOT give out any personal information or information about your management to this person.

Now if you want, you can have fun and give out George Jetson or Barney Rubble or Fred Flintstone’s information to this person. 🙂

If you have been contacted, please let me know as I would like to try and figure who this person is and so would my lawyers. You know, if you don’t feed lawyers regularly, they start gnawing on the furniture.

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

This entry was posted in Capitalware, MQ Technical Conference.

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