Here is another simple script that uses MQ Batch Toolkit (MQBT) to clear hundreds of queues at the same time.
Let’s say you have an MQ sandbox or development queue manager that has hundreds of queues that need to be cleared nightly. If all of the queue names have the same high-level qualifier, then the following Windows batch file (i.e. ClearQ.bat) will quickly take care of the job.
Here is the Windows batch file called ClearQ.bat:
@echo off setlocal if [%1]==[] echo Queue Manager Profile was not specified && goto Usage if [%2]==[] echo Queue Name was not specified && goto Usage cd /D C:\Capitalware\MQBT\ mqbt.exe QLIST -p %1 -k %2 -t L -f qdepth.txt -D FOR /F "tokens=1,2" %%A in (qdepth.txt) DO ( if %%B GTR 0 ( mqbt.exe ClearQ -p %1 -q %%A ) ) del qdepth.txt goto :DONE :Usage echo Usage: %0 QMgr_Profile_Name Queue_Name goto :DONE :DONE endlocal
Breakdown of the script:
- The script expects 2 parameters:
- The MQBT queue manager profile name
- The mask or wildcard for queue names
ClearQ.bat MQWT1 ABC.*
Line # 8 issues the QDepth function to retrieve the depth of the queue and writes it to a file called ‘qdepth.txt’.
Line # 9 loops over the file ‘qdepth.txt’ and tokenizes the values of each line.
Line # 11 checks if current queue depth is greater than the zero, if true then issue MQBT ClearQ function is executed
Note: MQBT ClearQ function has some smarts built into it. If the queue’s IPPROCs and OPPROCs (open input & output queue handles) are both zero and the Command Server is running, then MQBT will issue a PCF CLEARQ command. Otherwise, MQBT will destructively get all messages from the queue. Therefore, MQBT will make sure all messages are removed from the queue one way or another.
Hopefully, this blog posting will give people ideas on how to extend the use of MQBT.
Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.