Visualizing a Queue Manager and Queue

And now for something completely different. The following comments are for your ‘right-brain’. 🙂

When you create documentation or presentations, how do you draw MQ queue managers and queues?

We all know what IBM uses for a queue manager – a yellow square with a single ‘U’ inside the square and for a queue, IBM uses a ‘U’ with an envelope inside.

I tend to draw a light blue colored square box with many ‘U’s inside the square and for a queue, I draw a ‘U’ with a ridge (i.e. like a bowl with a ridge or lip). Personally, I don’t like this design for a queue. I prefer the open box with many envelopes in it but it is hard to get many of those pictures in inside the square box for the queue manager. And when I am creating a small picture (of a queue manager), it is impossible to draw an ‘open boxed queue’ inside it.

So, close your eyes and let your right-brain speak. How do you visualize queue managers and queues?

Also, how do you differentiate queue managers in different environments. A company can have different environment where they run MQ. i.e. Sandbox, DEV, TEST, QA, UAT, PrePROD, PROD, etc.. Do you draw a queue manager for DEV differently than PROD? Or do you color-code them differently?

I have to create lots of document for products, this blog and presentations for MQTC, so I would like to hear from everyone about how they visualize or draw queue managers and queues across the different environments.

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

This entry was posted in Capitalware, IBM MQ.

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