MQ Visual Edit V2 Colored Topic Messages

After the noise from last night, I thought the world could use some color. 🙂

Opening (subscribing to) an MQ Topic can be done just like opening an MQ Queue but a user can also open (subscribe to) a topic with a wild card (either ‘#’ or ‘+’).

So, I decided that when the user opens (subscribes to) an MQ Topic with a wildcard, MQ Visual Edit (MQVE) will color match the related topic messages.

Example: We have 3 publishers, each publishing messages to 3 different topics but related in the hierarchical tree.
– Publisher #1 is publishing messages to topic ‘test/ABC/one’
– Publisher #2 is publishing messages to topic ‘test/ABC/two’
– Publisher #3 is publishing messages to topic ‘test/ABC/three’

(1) If the user opens a specific topic in MQVE (i.e. test/ABC/one ) then it operates as it did before.

(2) If the user opens a topic in MQVE with a wildcard (i.e. test/ABC/# ) then MQVE will color match the topic messages (see screenshot).

– Yellow for messages in topic ‘test/ABC/one’
– White for messages in topic ‘test/ABC/two’
– Green for messages in topic ‘test/ABC/three’

This feature will be in the next release of MQ Visual Edit V2.

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

This entry was posted in Capitalware, IBM MQ, IBM MQ Appliance, Linux, macOS (Mac OS X), MQ Visual Edit, Windows.

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