After the noise from last night, I thought the world could use some color. 🙂
Opening (subscribing to) an MQ Topic can be done just like opening an MQ Queue but a user can also open (subscribe to) a topic with a wild card (either ‘#’ or ‘+’).
So, I decided that when the user opens (subscribes to) an MQ Topic with a wildcard, MQ Visual Edit (MQVE) will color match the related topic messages.
Example: We have 3 publishers, each publishing messages to 3 different topics but related in the hierarchical tree.
– Publisher #1 is publishing messages to topic ‘test/ABC/one’
– Publisher #2 is publishing messages to topic ‘test/ABC/two’
– Publisher #3 is publishing messages to topic ‘test/ABC/three’
(1) If the user opens a specific topic in MQVE (i.e. test/ABC/one ) then it operates as it did before.
(2) If the user opens a topic in MQVE with a wildcard (i.e. test/ABC/# ) then MQVE will color match the topic messages (see screenshot).
– Yellow for messages in topic ‘test/ABC/one’
– White for messages in topic ‘test/ABC/two’
– Green for messages in topic ‘test/ABC/three’
This feature will be in the next release of MQ Visual Edit V2.
Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.