Linux Help! Anyone, Anyone

Attention Linux SysAdmin gurus. I could use your Linux expertise. I have an X86-64 bit PC with SLES 11 SP2 64-bit installed. It has been running great for many years. When I turned it on this afternoon and it failed to boot with what looks like a hard drive issue.

Click to see a larger/readable image:

The PC only has 1 hard drive. One of the messages I see says that /var is not available. /var is not on a separate hard drive because it only has one hard drive.

It says to manually repair it. How do I do that? (I’m not a Linux SysAdmin.)

I would prefer to fix it, if possible. I can buy a new hard drive, install it but I just don’t want to go through the whole process of installing Linux, MQ, etc..


Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

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