Capitalware Inc. would like to announce the official release of MQ Batch Toolkit v3.1.0. This is a FREE upgrade for ALL licensed users of MQ Batch Toolkit. MQ Batch Toolkit allows users to manipulate, monitor and manage messages in a queue of an IBM MQ (formally WebSphere MQ & MQSeries) queue manager from a command-line or shell scripting environment.
For more information about MQ Batch Toolkit go to:
- Changes for MQ Batch Toolkit v3.1.0:
- Updated Backup and BackupTopic functions to support writing the messages to an SQLite database.
- Updated Restore and RestoreTopic functions to support reading the messages from an SQLite database.
- Updated PutServer, SIMClient, SIMServer and PublishServer functions to support reading the messages from an SQLite database.
- Changed the web call to server for license registration from http to https.
- Updated AddProfile and AlterProfile to support UserId compatibility mode to send the UserId and Password as done in releases prior to IBM MQ V8.
- Updated docs (English only)
Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.