Capitalware’s web site has been available as a secure (“https”) web site for several months. In the Summer, I tried turning on the auto redirection from “http” to “https” but it broke my online registration code in MQ Visual Edit, MQ Visual Browse, MQ Batch Toolkit and MQTT Message Viewer. I fixed the issue a couple of months ago and now the code uses a secure connection to

Note: The issue does NOT affect regular use of any of the products just the online registration via the Registration window in the product (or register command for MQ Batch Toolkit).

Therefore, on November 1st, 2018, I will be turning on the auto redirection from “http” to “https” for web site.

Hence, if you want to perform a product registration after November 1st, 2018, you MUST be running the following version of the product:

  • MQ Visual Edit v2.4.0.1 or higher
  • MQ Visual Browse v2.4.01 or higher
  • MQ Batch Toolkit v3.1.0.1 or higher
  • MQTT Message Viewer v1.3.0.1 or higher

Yes, I will be sending out email alerts to all activate users of the below mentioned products.

To activate users, you have the download link with the UserId and Password for the commercial release of the product, simply follow the instructions in Appendix B of the product’s User Guide on how to handle the upgrade (i.e. un-install then install).

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

This entry was posted in Capitalware, MQ Batch Toolkit, MQ Visual Browse, MQ Visual Edit, MQTT Message Viewer, Security.

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