In December, I had a call with a potential customer regarding MQ Channel Connection Inspector (MQCCI). Their security concerns were similar to what I posted several months ago in “So You Secured MQ But How Do You Know It Is Secure?“.
During the discussion, they brought up a couple of interesting comments:
I thought either the MCASecurityId and RemoteSecurityId fields of the MQCD could be used to correlate the connect and disconnection audit records but they pointed out that they were pretty sure that those fields only get populated on Windows platforms only. After the call, I did some testing on non-Windows platforms and I was surprised to see that they were always blank (null/binary zeroes). D’Oh!
So, I decided to add a new keyword called: IncludeTag. If this keyword’s value is set to ‘Y’, then MQCCI will add a randomly genereted 16 character tag on both the connection and disconnection audit records. Hence, this will allow the MQAdmin or anyone else to correlate the connection and disconnection audit records.
Since, I was messing around with the code, I also added another new keyword called: IncludeDurationTime. If this keyword’s value is set to ‘Y’, then MQCCI will add the duration time (disconnect time minus connect time) to the disconnection audit record. The time is outputted in seconds and microseconds. i.e. 25.123456
If the keywords AddDiscMessage, IncludeTag and IncludeDurationTime all have their value set to ‘Y’, then this is an example of the connection and disconnection audit records:
2019/01/03 13:45:13.445483, CONN, Tag=DxfsTJRFxcEG8dQC, CD_QMgrName=MQWT1, CD_ChannelName=TEST.CHL, CD_ConnectionName=, , CD_ShortConnectionName=, CD_MaxMsgLength=4194304, CD_PutAuthority=MQPA_DEFAULT, CD_MCAUserIdentifier=roger, CD_RemoteUserIdentifier=roger, CD_RemotePassword_Length=0, CD_SSLCipherSpec=, CD_SSLClientAuth=MQSCA_REQUIRED, CD_CertificateLabel=, CXP_PartnerName=roger, CXP_SSLCertUserid=, CXP_SecurityParms_AuthenticationType=MQCSP_AUTH_USER_ID_AND_PWD, CXP_SecurityParms_UserId=roger, CXP_SecurityParms_Password_Length=8, CXP_SharingConversations=TRUE, CXP_MCAUserSource=MQUSRC_MAP, CXP_RemoteProduct=MQJB, CXP_RemoteVersion=0800, 2019/01/03 13:45:27.952108, DISC, Tag=DxfsTJRFxcEG8dQC, CD_QMgrName=MQWT1, CD_ChannelName=TEST.CHL, CD_ConnectionName=, Duration=14.506625,
The latest release of MQCCI for all platforms including z/OS is available for download. Send the email to if you want to try it out.
Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.