MQ Visual Edit V3.0.0.1 Released

The other day while doing some testing, I discovered a bug in MQ Visual Edit’s auto-load of a message when editing a message. I have fixed it and uploaded MQ Visual Edit v3.0.0.1 for all platforms.

As always, this is a FREE upgrade for ALL licensed users of MQ Visual Edit V2/V3.

For those you downloaded and install MQ Visual Edit v3.0.0 over the last couple of weeks, I strongly suggest that you un-install it then download and install MQ Visual Edit v3.0.0.1. Simply use the Capitalware download information from your order email.

Note: This is also applicable to MQ Visual Browse.

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

This entry was posted in Capitalware, IBM MQ, IBM MQ Appliance, Linux, macOS (Mac OS X), MQ Visual Edit, Windows.

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