MQ Visual Edit on Windows, macOS & Linux

I have mentioned this before, Capitalware has a fair number of users who run MQ Visual Edit on macOS.

I purchased and use Excelsior Jet for Windows, macOS and Linux. Excelsior Jet compiles and links Java code into an optimized C++ native executable. This means that the end-user does not need to run MQ Visual Edit in a VM (Virtual Machine) or in an emulator to use the product. It runs natively on Windows, macOS and Linux.

Here are 3 screen-shots of MQ Visual Edit running natively on Windows, macOS and Linux, all showing the same opened queue.

MQ Visual Edit on Windows (click image to see larger picture):

MQ Visual Edit on MacOS (click image to see larger picture):

MQ Visual Edit on Linux (SUSE) (click image to see larger picture):

So, people of the MQ world, do you need MQ tools that work on Windows, macOS and Linux? Capitalware has 3 MQ tools that can fill the void:

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

This entry was posted in Capitalware, IBM MQ, Linux, macOS (Mac OS X), Windows.

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