wc3270 and IBM RDP Issue

I use IBM’s Remote Development Program (RDP) to host my z/OS and Linux for System z LPARs. I installed the latest release of wc3270 of the x3270 project on my new Windows 10 PC and copied my settings from my old Windows 7 PC. Hence, I should be good to go but no.

I have been getting the following error and at first I thought maybe IBM was re-configuring their Dallas data center (which they do from time to time):

SSL: InitializeSecurityContext: error 0x80090322 (The target principal name is incorrect.)

I checked the online documentation for IBM’s RDP and the IP address (requires TLS/SSL tunnel) for the master VM is still the same. I checked my wc320 session file for corruption and it was fine. I compared the old release of wc3270 wizard with the current release and I noticed a new option called “10. Verify host certificates”. It is set to “Yes” by default. I decided set it to “No” and try the connection again. Surprise, I got a successful connection.

I don’t know when the option “Verify host certificates” was added to wc3270 but if you upgrade wc3270 and start getting the above error messages then set “Verify host certificates” to “No”.

Or you can edit your wc3270 session file(s) and add the following line:

wc3270.verifyHostCert: false

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

This entry was posted in Capitalware, Open Source, Security, Windows, z/OS.

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