MacBook Pro, External Monitor, Display Link and Java

Ok. Here’s a really weird one reported yesterday by a customer.

If you are using a MacBook Pro with an external monitor (or 2) via Display Link and you try and run a Java GUI application, it will crash because the JVM thinks that it is running on a headless computer (no graphics driver).

Therefore, if are running MQ Visual Edit or MQ Visual Browse or MQTT Message Editing Suite you may get this issue because all of these programs are GUI applications that require graphics driver.

The quick and dirty solution to the issue is to change your primary display to be the built-in display. Hence, do the following:

System Preferences –> Displays –> Arrangement –> Drag menu bar to built-in display

Note: While the menu bar on a MacBook Pro (aka macOS) appears by default on all connected displays, placement of the menu bar on a display within the system preferences determines which screen is the primary.

I’m going to continue to look for a better solution.

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

This entry was posted in Capitalware, Java, JMS, macOS (Mac OS X), MQ Visual Browse, MQ Visual Edit, MQTT Message Editing Suite.

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