Yesterday, I wrote a blog item regarding Exporting MQ Objects into Individual Files.
I forgot that the dmpmqcfg program can output the MQ Object information as 1 line rather than spanning multiple lines.
Hence, if we let dmpmqcfg do that work then we can simplify the Rexx script to only output the various MQ objects to their own file.
Example of running dmpmqcfg against your queue manager called MQA1 such that it outputs each MQ object as 1 line:
dmpmqcfg -m MQA1 -a -o 1line > MQA1.all.mqsc
Then you run it against my REXX script called fmt_dmpmqcfg.rex:
/* Format output from dspmqcfg command to a single line for each entry. */ /* Put each MQ object type into a different file. */ /* */ /* Example dspmqcfg command: */ /* dmpmqcfg -m MQA1 -a -o 1line > MQA1.all.mqsc */ trace o Parse Arg inFN . if inFN = "" then do Say "Invalid number of parameters." Say "i.e." Say " fmt_dmpmqcfg.rex input_file_name" Exit end types = "QMGR CHANNEL LISTENER NAMELIST PROCESS QALIAS QLOCAL QMODEL QREMOTE SERVICE SUB TOPIC AUTHREC AUTHINFO CHLAUTH COMMINFO" /* open file */ Call Stream inFN,'C','OPEN READ' /* Delete previous output and then open it. */ do i=1 to Words(types) ptr = Word(types,i) outFN = inFN||"."||ptr||".mqsc" if (STREAM( outFN, 'C', 'QUERY EXIST' ) <> "") then "ERASE "outFN Call Stream outFN,'C','OPEN WRITE' counts.ptr = 0 end total = 0 do until Lines(inFN) = 0 inLine = Strip(LineIn(inFN)) /* read next line */ if (inLine = "") then NOP /* blank line, forget-about-it */ else if (SubStr(inLine,1,1) = "*") then NOP /* comment line, forget-about-it */ else do ptr = Word(inLine, 2) if (Pos("(", ptr) > 0) then ptr = SubStr(ptr, 1, Pos("(", ptr) - 1) nothing = LineOut(inFN||"."||ptr||".mqsc", inLine) /* write to the file */ counts.ptr = counts.ptr + 1 total = total + 1 end end /* close the files */ Call Stream inFN,'C','CLOSE' do i=1 to Words(types) ptr = Word(types,i) outFN = inFN||"."||ptr||".mqsc" Call Stream outFN,'C','CLOSE' Say outFN || " contains " || counts.ptr || " MQSC formatted commands." end Say "" Say "Total formatted MQSC commands was:" total Exit
To run the Rexx script, the command is:
rexx fmt_dmpmqcfg.rex MQA1.all.mqsc
The Rexx script will output:
MQA1.all.mqsc.QMGR.mqsc contains 1 MQSC formatted commands. MQA1.all.mqsc.CHANNEL.mqsc contains 43 MQSC formatted commands. MQA1.all.mqsc.LISTENER.mqsc contains 5 MQSC formatted commands. MQA1.all.mqsc.NAMELIST.mqsc contains 3 MQSC formatted commands. MQA1.all.mqsc.PROCESS.mqsc contains 2 MQSC formatted commands. MQA1.all.mqsc.QALIAS.mqsc contains 4 MQSC formatted commands. MQA1.all.mqsc.QLOCAL.mqsc contains 111 MQSC formatted commands. MQA1.all.mqsc.QMODEL.mqsc contains 7 MQSC formatted commands. MQA1.all.mqsc.QREMOTE.mqsc contains 11 MQSC formatted commands. MQA1.all.mqsc.SERVICE.mqsc contains 6 MQSC formatted commands. MQA1.all.mqsc.SUB.mqsc contains 1 MQSC formatted commands. MQA1.all.mqsc.TOPIC.mqsc contains 8 MQSC formatted commands. MQA1.all.mqsc.AUTHREC.mqsc contains 438 MQSC formatted commands. MQA1.all.mqsc.AUTHINFO.mqsc contains 4 MQSC formatted commands. MQA1.all.mqsc.CHLAUTH.mqsc contains 3 MQSC formatted commands. MQA1.all.mqsc.COMMINFO.mqsc contains 1 MQSC formatted commands. Total formatted MQSC commands was: 648
As I said yesterday, create a nightly job to run dmpmqcfg, the Rexx script and push the output to your source code repository and you will have a complete history of changes made to your queue manager.
Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.