WebSphere MQ Fix Pack for HP NonStop Server Released

IBM has just released Fix Pack for WebSphere MQ for HP NonStop Server:

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

Fix Packs for MQ, HPE NonStop, IBM MQ Comments Off on WebSphere MQ Fix Pack for HP NonStop Server Released

IBM is Open Sourcing Watson IoT Platform Message Gateway (formerly IBM MessageSight)

Back in November 2020, IBM announced that they would be withdrawing/discontinuing IBM IoT MessageSight and IBM Watson IoT Platform Message Gateway.

The other day, IBM announced that they would be donating the source code for Watson IoT Platform Message Gateway (formerly IBM MessageSight) to Eclipse.

You can read about the new Eclipse project here: https://projects.eclipse.org/proposals/eclipse-amlen

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

Linux, MQTT, Unix, Windows Comments Off on IBM is Open Sourcing Watson IoT Platform Message Gateway (formerly IBM MessageSight)

IBM MQ Fix Pack Released

IBM has just released Fix Pack for IBM MQ V9.2 LTS:

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

Fix Packs for MQ, IBM i (OS/400), IBM MQ, IBM MQ Appliance, Linux, Unix, Windows Comments Off on IBM MQ Fix Pack Released

All Java and JVM features since JDK 8 to 16

David Csakvari has a blog posting called: A categorized list of all Java and JVM features since JDK 8 to 16

If you ever wondered or needed to know what has changed between releases of Java, David Csakvari’s blog posting has an excellent list of changes.

On the flip side, if you are a new Java or Java/JMS developer and need tutorials and/or examples of the different Java libraries and how they work then check out Jenkov’s web page called: Tutorials for Software Developers and Technopreneurs. The web page has the various features of Java categorized into useful topics.

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

HPE NonStop, IBM i (OS/400), Java, JMS, Linux, macOS (Mac OS X), Programming, Raspberry Pi, Unix, Windows, z/OS Comments Off on All Java and JVM features since JDK 8 to 16

IBM MQ V9.2.2 Announced

IBM has announced IBM MQ V9.2.2:


MQ 9.2.2:
– Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) browse support

MQ Advanced 9.2.2:
– The capabilities listed in MQ 9.2.2
– New ordering options for nonproduction workloads
– An early release of “native high-availability”, which is made available for demonstration purposes for clients deploying container-based queue managers to IBM Cloud Pak for Integration using the MQ certified container
– MQ Managed File Transfer commands to start and stop resource monitors and assets to simplify deployment in containers
– MQ Advanced Message Security password protection enhancements
– RDQM HA failed resource action identification and resolution, and high availability (HA) and disaster recovery (DR) last “in sync” time information.

MQ Appliance 9.2.2 firmware:
– The capabilities in MQ 9.2.2
– HA failed resource action identification and resolution
– MQ Appliance 9.2.2 firmware available for MQ Appliance M2001 and MQ Appliance M2002

Planned availability for IBM MQ V9.2.2 is March 25, 2021 for Electronic software delivery.

IBM MQ (aka WebSphere MQ) homepage

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

Fix Packs for MQ, IBM MQ, IBM MQ Appliance, Unix, Windows, z/OS Comments Off on IBM MQ V9.2.2 Announced

Java 16 Released

Oracle has just released Java 16.

Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE) lets you develop and deploy Java applications on desktops and servers, as well as in today’s demanding embedded environments. Java offers the rich user interface, performance, versatility, portability, and security that today’s applicationsrequire.

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

IBM i (OS/400), Java, JMS, Linux, macOS (Mac OS X), Programming, Raspberry Pi, Unix, Windows, z/OS Comments Off on Java 16 Released

Enhancement to Exporting MQ Objects into Individual Files

Yesterday, I wrote a blog item regarding Exporting MQ Objects into Individual Files.

I forgot that the dmpmqcfg program can output the MQ Object information as 1 line rather than spanning multiple lines.

Hence, if we let dmpmqcfg do that work then we can simplify the Rexx script to only output the various MQ objects to their own file.

Example of running dmpmqcfg against your queue manager called MQA1 such that it outputs each MQ object as 1 line:

dmpmqcfg -m MQA1 -a -o 1line > MQA1.all.mqsc

Then you run it against my REXX script called fmt_dmpmqcfg.rex:

/* Format output from dspmqcfg command to a single line for each entry.  */
/* Put each MQ object type into a different file.                        */
/*                                                                       */
/* Example dspmqcfg command:                                             */
/*    dmpmqcfg -m MQA1 -a -o 1line > MQA1.all.mqsc                       */

trace o
Parse Arg inFN .

if inFN = "" then
   Say "Invalid number of parameters."
   Say "i.e."
   Say "     fmt_dmpmqcfg.rex input_file_name"


/* open file */
Call Stream inFN,'C','OPEN READ'

/* Delete previous output and then open it. */
do i=1 to Words(types)
   ptr = Word(types,i)
   outFN = inFN||"."||ptr||".mqsc"
   if (STREAM( outFN, 'C', 'QUERY EXIST' ) <> "") then
      "ERASE  "outFN
   Call Stream outFN,'C','OPEN WRITE'
   counts.ptr = 0

total = 0
do until Lines(inFN) = 0

   inLine = Strip(LineIn(inFN))   /* read next line */

   if (inLine = "") then
      NOP   /* blank line, forget-about-it */
   else if (SubStr(inLine,1,1) = "*") then
      NOP   /* comment line, forget-about-it */
      ptr = Word(inLine, 2)

      if (Pos("(", ptr) > 0) then
         ptr = SubStr(ptr, 1, Pos("(", ptr) - 1)

      nothing = LineOut(inFN||"."||ptr||".mqsc", inLine)   /* write to the file  */

      counts.ptr = counts.ptr + 1
      total = total + 1

/* close the files  */
Call Stream inFN,'C','CLOSE'
do i=1 to Words(types)
   ptr = Word(types,i)
   outFN = inFN||"."||ptr||".mqsc"
   Call Stream outFN,'C','CLOSE'
   Say outFN || " contains " || counts.ptr || " MQSC formatted commands."

Say ""
Say "Total formatted MQSC commands was:" total


To run the Rexx script, the command is:

rexx fmt_dmpmqcfg.rex  MQA1.all.mqsc

The Rexx script will output:

MQA1.all.mqsc.QMGR.mqsc contains 1 MQSC formatted commands.
MQA1.all.mqsc.CHANNEL.mqsc contains 43 MQSC formatted commands.
MQA1.all.mqsc.LISTENER.mqsc contains 5 MQSC formatted commands.
MQA1.all.mqsc.NAMELIST.mqsc contains 3 MQSC formatted commands.
MQA1.all.mqsc.PROCESS.mqsc contains 2 MQSC formatted commands.
MQA1.all.mqsc.QALIAS.mqsc contains 4 MQSC formatted commands.
MQA1.all.mqsc.QLOCAL.mqsc contains 111 MQSC formatted commands.
MQA1.all.mqsc.QMODEL.mqsc contains 7 MQSC formatted commands.
MQA1.all.mqsc.QREMOTE.mqsc contains 11 MQSC formatted commands.
MQA1.all.mqsc.SERVICE.mqsc contains 6 MQSC formatted commands.
MQA1.all.mqsc.SUB.mqsc contains 1 MQSC formatted commands.
MQA1.all.mqsc.TOPIC.mqsc contains 8 MQSC formatted commands.
MQA1.all.mqsc.AUTHREC.mqsc contains 438 MQSC formatted commands.
MQA1.all.mqsc.AUTHINFO.mqsc contains 4 MQSC formatted commands.
MQA1.all.mqsc.CHLAUTH.mqsc contains 3 MQSC formatted commands.
MQA1.all.mqsc.COMMINFO.mqsc contains 1 MQSC formatted commands.

Total formatted MQSC commands was: 648

As I said yesterday, create a nightly job to run dmpmqcfg, the Rexx script and push the output to your source code repository and you will have a complete history of changes made to your queue manager.

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

IBM MQ, IBM MQ Appliance, Linux, macOS (Mac OS X), Open Source, Programming, Rexx, Windows Comments Off on Enhancement to Exporting MQ Objects into Individual Files

MacBook Pro, External Monitor, Display Link and Java

Ok. Here’s a really weird one reported yesterday by a customer.

If you are using a MacBook Pro with an external monitor (or 2) via Display Link and you try and run a Java GUI application, it will crash because the JVM thinks that it is running on a headless computer (no graphics driver).

Therefore, if are running MQ Visual Edit or MQ Visual Browse or MQTT Message Editing Suite you may get this issue because all of these programs are GUI applications that require graphics driver.

The quick and dirty solution to the issue is to change your primary display to be the built-in display. Hence, do the following:

System Preferences –> Displays –> Arrangement –> Drag menu bar to built-in display

Note: While the menu bar on a MacBook Pro (aka macOS) appears by default on all connected displays, placement of the menu bar on a display within the system preferences determines which screen is the primary.

I’m going to continue to look for a better solution.

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

Capitalware, Java, JMS, macOS (Mac OS X), MQ Visual Browse, MQ Visual Edit, MQTT Message Editing Suite Comments Off on MacBook Pro, External Monitor, Display Link and Java

Exporting MQ Objects into Individual Files

I posted this item on mqseries.net and I thought I should do a write up here.

Back in the early 2000s, I was a consultant at a customer site and they wanted the nightly dumps of the MQ objects (not messages), 1 line per object and then check those files into a source code repository.

I used SupportPac MS03 to dump the MQ objects but it put all objects in the same file and each object was on many lines. So, I wrote a simple Rexx script to extract each object type to: (1) flatten each object to 1 line and (2) write it their own object file.

SupportPac MS03 has been replaced with the dmpmqcfg program.

I have updated the list of object types in the Rexx script for the modern IBM MQ v9.2 (because IBM has added a lot of new objects in the last 15 years).

Example of running dmpmqcfg against your queue manager called MQA1:

dmpmqcfg -m MQA1 -a > MQA1.all.mqsc

Then you run it against my REXX script called fmt_dmpmqcfg.rex:

/* Format output from dspmqcfg command to a single line for each entry.  */
/* Put each MQ object type into a different file.                        */
/*                                                                       */
/* Example dspmqcfg command:                                             */
/*    dmpmqcfg -m MQA1 -a > MQA1.all.mqsc                                */

trace o
Parse Arg inFN .

if inFN = "" then
   Say "Invalid number of parameters."
   Say "i.e."
   Say "     fmt_dmpmqcfg.rex input_file_name"


/* open file */
Call Stream inFN,'C','OPEN READ'

/* Delete previous output and then open it. */
do i=1 to Words(types)
   ptr = Word(types,i)
   outFN = inFN||"."||ptr||".mqsc"
   if (STREAM( outFN, 'C', 'QUERY EXIST' ) <> "") then
      "ERASE  "outFN
   Call Stream outFN,'C','OPEN WRITE'
   counts.ptr = 0

total = 0
mqscCmd = ""
do until Lines(inFN) = 0

   inLine = Strip(LineIn(inFN))   /* read next line */

   if (inLine = "") then
      NOP   /* blank line, forget-about-it */
   else if (SubStr(inLine,1,1) = "*") then
      NOP   /* comment line, forget-about-it */
      /* Last attribute in MQSC command? */
      if (Length(inLine) <> LastPos('+',inLine)) then
         mqscCmd = mqscCmd || " " || inLine  /* add last attribute */
         ptr = Word(mqscCmd, 2)

         if (Pos("(", ptr) > 0) then
            ptr = SubStr(ptr, 1, Pos("(", ptr) - 1)

         nothing = LineOut(inFN||"."||ptr||".mqsc", mqscCmd)   /* write to the file  */

         counts.ptr = counts.ptr + 1
         total = total + 1
         mqscCmd = ""
         temp = Strip(SubStr(inLine,1,(LastPos('+',inLine) - 1)))  /* remove '+' */
         if (mqscCmd = "") then
            mqscCmd = temp
            mqscCmd = mqscCmd || " " || temp

/* close the files  */
Call Stream inFN,'C','CLOSE'
do i=1 to Words(types)
   ptr = Word(types,i)
   outFN = inFN||"."||ptr||".mqsc"
   Call Stream outFN,'C','CLOSE'
   Say outFN || " contains " || counts.ptr || " MQSC formatted commands."

Say ""
Say "Total formatted MQSC commands was:" total


To run the Rexx script, the command is:

rexx fmt_dmpmqcfg.rex  MQA1.all.mqsc

The Rexx script will output:

MQA1.all.mqsc.QMGR.mqsc contains 1 MQSC formatted commands.
MQA1.all.mqsc.CHANNEL.mqsc contains 43 MQSC formatted commands.
MQA1.all.mqsc.LISTENER.mqsc contains 5 MQSC formatted commands.
MQA1.all.mqsc.NAMELIST.mqsc contains 3 MQSC formatted commands.
MQA1.all.mqsc.PROCESS.mqsc contains 2 MQSC formatted commands.
MQA1.all.mqsc.QALIAS.mqsc contains 4 MQSC formatted commands.
MQA1.all.mqsc.QLOCAL.mqsc contains 111 MQSC formatted commands.
MQA1.all.mqsc.QMODEL.mqsc contains 7 MQSC formatted commands.
MQA1.all.mqsc.QREMOTE.mqsc contains 11 MQSC formatted commands.
MQA1.all.mqsc.SERVICE.mqsc contains 6 MQSC formatted commands.
MQA1.all.mqsc.SUB.mqsc contains 1 MQSC formatted commands.
MQA1.all.mqsc.TOPIC.mqsc contains 8 MQSC formatted commands.
MQA1.all.mqsc.AUTHREC.mqsc contains 438 MQSC formatted commands.
MQA1.all.mqsc.AUTHINFO.mqsc contains 4 MQSC formatted commands.
MQA1.all.mqsc.CHLAUTH.mqsc contains 3 MQSC formatted commands.
MQA1.all.mqsc.COMMINFO.mqsc contains 1 MQSC formatted commands.

Total formatted MQSC commands was: 648

If you setup a job (script/batch file) to do this nightly and then check the output files into a source code repository then you will have a complete history of changes made to your queue manager. Because the Rexx script flattens the data to 1 line per object, your source code repository will show you exactly which objects have changed.

Its a simple hack but well worth implementing.

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

IBM MQ, IBM MQ Appliance, Linux, macOS (Mac OS X), Open Source, Programming, Rexx, Windows Comments Off on Exporting MQ Objects into Individual Files

IBM MQ Fix Pack Released

IBM has just released Fix Pack for IBM MQ

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

Fix Packs for MQ, IBM i (OS/400), IBM MQ, Linux, Unix, Windows Comments Off on IBM MQ Fix Pack Released