MQ Message Encryption Critical Bug Fixed

Recently, a customer reported a bug in MQ Message Encryption (MQME) for certain types of JMS messages (aka MQRFH2) where the MCA (amqrmppa) process would crash.

After some investigation, a buffer overrun condition was discovered that would cause the MCA (amqrmppa) process to crash. The bug has been fixed.

Please contact for the latest release of MQME.

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

Capitalware, IBM i (OS/400), IBM MQ, Linux, MQ Message Encryption, Security, Unix, Windows Comments Off on MQ Message Encryption Critical Bug Fixed

MQ Visual Edit V3.0.0.1 Released

The other day while doing some testing, I discovered a bug in MQ Visual Edit’s auto-load of a message when editing a message. I have fixed it and uploaded MQ Visual Edit v3.0.0.1 for all platforms.

As always, this is a FREE upgrade for ALL licensed users of MQ Visual Edit V2/V3.

For those you downloaded and install MQ Visual Edit v3.0.0 over the last couple of weeks, I strongly suggest that you un-install it then download and install MQ Visual Edit v3.0.0.1. Simply use the Capitalware download information from your order email.

Note: This is also applicable to MQ Visual Browse.

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

Capitalware, IBM MQ, IBM MQ Appliance, Linux, macOS (Mac OS X), MQ Visual Edit, Windows Comments Off on MQ Visual Edit V3.0.0.1 Released

Fedora 31 Released

Fedora Project has just released Fedora 31.

Fedora is a Linux distribution developed by the community-supported Fedora Project and sponsored by Red Hat. Fedora contains software distributed under various free and open-source licenses and aims to be on the leading edge of such technologies. Fedora is the upstream source of the commercial Red Hat Enterprise Linux distribution.

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

Linux, Open Source, Operating Systems Comments Off on Fedora 31 Released

IBM MQ Fix Pack Released

IBM has just released Fix Pack for IBM MQ V9.0 LTS

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

Fix Packs for MQ, IBM i (OS/400), IBM MQ, Linux, Unix, Windows Comments Off on IBM MQ Fix Pack Released

MQ Visual Edit V3.0.0 Released

Capitalware Inc. would like to announce the official release of MQ Visual Edit v3.0.0. This is a FREE upgrade for ALL licensed users of MQ Visual Edit V3. MQ Visual Edit allows users to view, manipulate and manage messages in a queue and/or topic of a IBM MQ queue manager and presents the data in a simplified format similar to a database utility or spreadsheet program.

For more information about MQ Visual Edit go to:

    Changes for MQ Visual Edit v3.0.0:

  • Added a new MQ tool called Visual Queue Statistics. It allows the user to visually display the queue statistic values in a chart.
  • Added a new MQ tool called Visual Subscription Rate. It allows the user to visually display the subscription’s message count in a chart.
  • Added a dialog window to retrieve the context value for ‘Put Options’ for the Restore Queue/Topic feature.
  • Added Context for ‘Put Options’ on the Open Queue/Topic window for Put Server, SIM Client, SIM Server and Publish Server.
  • Added a new viewer on the Message Edit window called: Fixed Width Viewer. Clicking it will parse the message data into a spreadsheet display.
  • Added a new viewer on the Message Edit window called: CSV Viewer. Clicking it will parse the message data into a spreadsheet display.
  • Added a new viewer on the Message Edit window called: FIX (Financial Information eXchange) Viewer. Clicking it will parse the message data into a spreadsheet display.
  • Added a wizard so that the user can quickly create and save Fixed Width format structure, CSV column names and FIX column names.
  • Added a new options on the Preferences’ Edit Window called: ‘For CSV Viewer, use first row for column name’, drop selector for field delimiter and a drop selector for record separator.
  • Added a new options on the Preferences’ Edit Window called: ‘For FIX Viewer, use first row for column name’ and drop selector for delimiter, drop selector for field delimiter and a drop selector for record separator.
  • Added the ability to associate a time zone with a queue manager. Hence, the message’s date and time will be in the specified time zone.
  • Changed Queue Manager Access Profile, Group and Favorites information to be stored in a SQLite database
  • Added code to automatically migrate CommProfileDB, CommProfileGroupDB and FavoritesDB property files to a SQLite database.
  • For a fresh install of MQ Visual Edit (Windows and Linux only), added code to automatically collect local queue manager information and display it to the user for importing.
  • Added the ability to import queue manager settings from MQ Explorer.
  • Added the ability to import queue manager settings from MO71.
  • Added the ability to import queue manager settings from MQ Visual Edit V1/V2 property file.
  • Added the ability to import queue manager settings from a CCDT file.
  • Added the ability to import local queue managers.
  • Fixed an issue with resetting the view correctly and also when changing the language.
  • Added launching a web browser from the Registration window for the user to register the license key.
  • New location for SQLite database and the MQVE logfile. They will now be stored in {home_directory}\Capitalware\ directory. i.e. For Windows: C:\Users\{UserId}\Capitalware\ and for Linux/macOS: /home/{UserId}/Capitalware/
  • The MQ Visual Edit logfile will now be called: MQVE.log (rather than MQVE_error.log).
  • Moved the MQ Server and Monitor tools to their own menu dropdown called: MQ Tools
  • Enhanced the error message regarding an expired license key
  • Updated code to better handle “https” call to for registration
  • Updated code to set JVM UserId because MQ client library uses it when USE_MQCSP_AUTHENTICATION_PROPERTY is set to true
  • Increased the size of the buttons on the windows, so people with Microsoft Surface tablets will find it easier to click buttons with their fingers.
  • Added icons to all of the buttons on the windows. The icons for the buttons match the icons for the menu items. Hence, it makes for a better and more consistent look and feel.
  • Fixed an issue with parsing PCF messages and displaying them.
  • Fixed an issue with Queue Monitor tool and connecting to a z/OS queue manager.
  • Fixed a bug on Message Edit window where Wrap Text menu item was not honoring user Preferences.
  • Fixed a bug on Message Edit window where Replace menu item was not being enabled/disabled correctly.
  • Switched from Apache Xerces to Java’s builtin XML parser.
  • Updated docs (English only)

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

Capitalware, IBM MQ, IBM MQ Appliance, Linux, macOS (Mac OS X), MQ Visual Edit, Windows Comments Off on MQ Visual Edit V3.0.0 Released

MQ Visual Browse V3.0.0 Released

Capitalware Inc. would like to announce the official release of MQ Visual Browse v3.0.0. This is a FREE upgrade for ALL licensed users of MQ Visual Browse V3. MQ Visual Browse allows users to view messages in a queue and/or topic of a IBM MQ queue manager and presents the data in a simplified format similar to a database utility or spreadsheet program.

For more information about MQ Visual Browse go to:

    Changes for MQ Visual Browse v3.0.0:

  • Added a new viewer on the Message Edit window called: Fixed Width Viewer. Clicking it will parse the message data into a spreadsheet display.
  • Added a new viewer on the Message Edit window called: CSV Viewer. Clicking it will parse the message data into a spreadsheet display.
  • Added a new viewer on the Message Edit window called: FIX (Financial Information eXchange) Viewer. Clicking it will parse the message data into a spreadsheet display.
  • Added a wizard so that the user can quickly create and save Fixed Width format structure, CSV column names and FIX column names.
  • Added a new options on the Preferences’ Edit Window called: ‘For CSV Viewer, use first row for column name’, drop selector for field delimiter and a drop selector for record separator.
  • Added a new options on the Preferences’ Edit Window called: ‘For FIX Viewer, use first row for column name’ and drop selector for delimiter, drop selector for field delimiter and a drop selector for record separator.
  • Added the ability to associate a time zone with a queue manager. Hence, the message’s date and time will be in the specified time zone.
  • Changed Queue Manager Access Profile, Group and Favorites information to be stored in a SQLite database
  • Added code to automatically migrate CommProfileDB, CommProfileGroupDB and FavoritesDB property files to a SQLite database.
  • For a fresh install of MQ Visual Browse (Windows and Linux only), added code to automatically collect local queue manager information and display it to the user for importing.
  • Added the ability to import queue manager settings from MQ Explorer.
  • Added the ability to import queue manager settings from MO71.
  • Added the ability to import queue manager settings from MQ Visual Browse V1/V2 property file.
  • Added the ability to import queue manager settings from a CCDT file.
  • Added the ability to import local queue managers.
  • Fixed an issue with resetting the view correctly and also when changing the language.
  • Added launching a web browser from the Registration window for the user to register the license key.
  • New location for SQLite database and the MQVB logfile. They will now be stored in {home_directory}\Capitalware\ directory. i.e. For Windows: C:\Users\{UserId}\Capitalware\ and for Linux/macOS: /home/{UserId}/Capitalware/
  • The MQ Visual Browse logfile will now be called: MQVB.log (rather than MQVB_error.log).
  • Enhanced the error message regarding an expired license key
  • Updated code to better handle “https” call to for registration
  • Updated code to set JVM UserId because MQ client library uses it when USE_MQCSP_AUTHENTICATION_PROPERTY is set to true
  • Increased the size of the buttons on the windows, so people with Microsoft Surface tablets will find it easier to click buttons with their fingers.
  • Added icons to all of the buttons on the windows. The icons for the buttons match the icons for the menu items. Hence, it makes for a better and more consistent look and feel.
  • Fixed an issue with parsing PCF messages and displaying them.
  • Fixed a bug on Message Edit window where Wrap Text menu item was not honoring user Preferences.
  • Fixed a bug on Message Edit window where Replace menu item was not being enabled/disabled correctly.
  • Switched from Apache Xerces to Java’s builtin XML parser.
  • Updated docs (English only)

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

Capitalware, IBM MQ, IBM MQ Appliance, Linux, macOS (Mac OS X), MQ Visual Browse, Windows Comments Off on MQ Visual Browse V3.0.0 Released

Learn How to Code in Python With Microsoft’s Free Classes

Microsoft has created free instructional videos on Python. Microsoft has uploaded a 44-part series to YouTube dubbed Python for Beginners, which can teach anyone how to program in Python.

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

Education, Programming Comments Off on Learn How to Code in Python With Microsoft’s Free Classes

Windows and UHD 4K Resolution

Another interesting problem/issue that I’ve come across while installing software on my new ASUS ZenBook Pro laptop was that some older 32-bit applications don’t show the images, toolbar icons, etc. correctly. The applications are not “DPI Aware” but for Windows 10, it defaults to applications being “DPI Aware”.

Hence, if you can upgrade to a more modern version of the application(s) then do it but if not, here is a quick way to fix the problem.

(1) Either on the program’s short-cut or the executable, right click and select Properties
(2) Click the Compatibility tab
(3) Click the Change high DPI settings button
(4) Click the checkbox Override high DPI scaling behavior
(5) In the Scaling performed by: dropdown, change it to System
(6) Click Ok and then Ok, to save and close the windows.

Now when you start the application, it should look more normal.

Do you use Java applications on Windows 10 with a high resolution? Oracle has/had some developers that made some really stupid decisions and when I say stupid, I mean so stupid it would make Homer Simpson look like a genius (that kind of stupid).

In Java 6 (from what I can gather), Oracle decided to add the metadata tag to the “java.exe” and “javaw.exe” executables called DPIAware and set it to true. This would be great if they added the code to Java to support it but they only half-ass it. Then when people complained, Oracle added the JVM environment variable “sun.java2d.dpiaware” that you could set to “false” to disable it. For Java 8, Oracle removed the JVM environment variable “sun.java2d.dpiaware” for some unknown reason which meant you were screwed again.

Therefore, if you want your Java applications to be correctly displayed on Windows 10 with high resolution display then you need Java 9 or higher.

Now if you are in a corporate environment where you cannot change the release of Java you are using to Java 9 or higher then follow the instructions above for the “java.exe” and “javaw.exe” executables. More often then not, you can find the “java.exe” and “javaw.exe” executables in the following directory:
C:\Program Files\Java\jre(version#)\bin\

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

Java, JMS, Windows Comments Off on Windows and UHD 4K Resolution

Unable to load DLL ‘sqlceme35.dll’ and My Invoices & Estimates Deluxe V10

Over the weekend, I started installing software on my new ASUS ZenBook Pro laptop. I was installing My Invoices & Estimates Deluxe V10 on my laptop and it said it also needed to install Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP1. I clicked Yes and let it do its thing.

My Invoices & Estimates started fine but when I selected my “company” (aka database) to open then I got the Unable to load DLL ‘sqlceme35.dll’ error message.

I even tried uninstalling and installing it again but no luck.

This is just weird. Here’s a little history and you will see why it is weird.

In 2008, I purchased My Invoices & Estimates. In 2009, Avanquest Software released My Invoices & Estimates Deluxe V10. They had an upgrade offer at the time, so I upgraded to it. Back in 2009, my desktop PC was running Windows XP 32-bit (and laptop was running WinXP 32-bit). In 2011/2012, I got a new desktop PC running Windows 7 Pro 64-bit and a new laptop running Windows 7 Home 64-bit. I installed My Invoices & Estimates Deluxe V10 on both and did not have any issues. My Invoices & Estimates Deluxe V10 is a 32-bit program. If it works on Windows 7 64-bit then it should work on Windows 10 64-bit. I checked Avanquest Software’s web site for My Invoices & Estimates Deluxe V10 and it says that it supports Windows 10. Hence, you can see why it is weird that I got the error message: Unable to load DLL ‘sqlceme35.dll’.

I did an internet search and very little came up on the issue with My Invoices & Estimates. I did find one hit about the same issue where Avanquest Software’s support told the user to contact Microsoft. Terrible support response.

So, I just starting searching for the error message only. Tons and tons of hits were coming up. After reading a bunch, I stumbled on one at StackOverflow where “codeulike” said they were having an issue with a 32-bit application running on Windows 7 64-bit and getting the same error message and said:

Following this rather confused discussion on MSDN revealed that I needed to use the 64-bit MSI for SQL Server Compact on 64-bit machines. D’oh! That is, from page Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 Service Pack 1 and Synchronization Services for ADO.NET version 1.0 Service Pack 1 for Windows Desktop I needed SSCERuntime-ENU-x64.msi rather than SSCERuntime-ENU-x86.msi for 64-bit machines.

I scratched my head and thought, why in the world would a 32-bit application need the 64-bit release of Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP1. I figured, its Windows, if it doesn’t fix the problem then I’ll just uninstall it.

I downloaded SSCERuntime-ENU-x64.msi from Microsoft and installed it. Reboot (just in case) and then started My Invoices & Estimates and shockingly, when I clicked on my “company”, My Invoices & Estimates worked perfectly. I have no idea why a 32-bit application needed the 64-bit release of Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP1 or why Windows needed the 64-bit release to run a 32-bit program but it was required.

I have 100s of utilities installed on my hard-drive. Now normally, if one did not work, I would simply delete it and search the internet for a better/working one. My Invoices & Estimates is such a simply program but what it does, it does it extremely well. It makes generating quotes (estimates) and invoices so easy. It has lots of reports for sales and accounts receivable. Hence, that is why I spent hours and hours on Saturday trying to solve my problem because it would be maddening to have to switch to a different sales program.

Therefore, I figured I would write/post this blog entry to help other small businesses who may be upgrading their desktop PC or laptop from Windows 7 to Windows 10 64-bit and get the Unable to load DLL ‘sqlceme35.dll’ error message. Hopefully, the search engines will pick up my posting and when others have the issue, they will see that they need to install the 64-bit release of Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP1 to fix their issue.

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

.NET, Database, Windows Comments Off on Unable to load DLL ‘sqlceme35.dll’ and My Invoices & Estimates Deluxe V10

SQLite v3.30.0 Released

D. Richard Hipp has just released SQLite v3.30.0.

SQLite is a software library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine. SQLite is the most widely deployed SQL database engine in the world. The source code for SQLite is in the public domain.

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

C, Database, IBM i (OS/400), Linux, macOS (Mac OS X), Open Source, Programming, Unix, Windows, z/OS Comments Off on SQLite v3.30.0 Released