IBM MQ Fix Pack Released

IBM has just released FixPack for IBM MQ V9.0 LTS

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

Fix Packs for MQ, IBM i (OS/400), IBM MQ, Linux, Unix, Windows Comments Off on IBM MQ Fix Pack Released

IBM MQ V9.0.5 Continuous Delivery Announced

IBM has announced IBM MQ V9.0.5 Continuous Delivery:

New features and enhancements for clients with MQ Advanced entitlement
– Enhancements to the previously delivered Replicated Data Queue Manager support
– New support for the MQ MFT REST administration interface
– Identification of MQ Advanced installs
– Improved performance for MQ AMS encryption on MQ Advanced for z/OS® VUE

New capabilities for both MQ base and MQ Advanced clients
– Increased security flexibility and updates
– Updates to the MQ Console
– Enhancements to syncpoint performance

IBM MQ (aka WebSphere MQ) homepage

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

Fix Packs for MQ, IBM MQ, IBM MQ Appliance, Linux, Windows, z/OS Comments Off on IBM MQ V9.0.5 Continuous Delivery Announced

High performance IBM MQ & JMS applications

Bastien Jansen has written a blog posting called: High performance IBM MQ & JMS applications. If you program in JMS and IBM MQ then you should definitely read the blog posting. You can find it here:

Persistent messages are used by queue managers to guarantee message delivery.

That’s not the correct IBM terminology. It should be “assured message delivery“, otherwise IBM lawyers get their shorts in knots. 🙂

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

IBM MQ, IBM MQ Appliance, Java, JMS, Programming Comments Off on High performance IBM MQ & JMS applications

New Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ Released

Raspberry Pi Foundation has just released a new Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+.

It has a faster CPU, upgraded networking and improved thermal management.


  • Broadcom BCM2837B0, Cortex-A53 (ARMv8) 64-bit SoC @ 1.4GHz
  • 2.4GHz and 5GHz IEEE 802.11.b/g/n/ac wireless LAN, Bluetooth 4.2, BLE
  • Gigabit Ethernet over USB 2.0 (maximum throughput 300 Mbps)
  • Extended 40-pin GPIO header
  • Full-size HDMI
  • 4 USB 2.0 ports
  • CSI camera port for connecting a Raspberry Pi camera
  • DSI display port for connecting a Raspberry Pi touchscreen display
  • 4-pole stereo output and composite video port
  • Micro SD port for loading your operating system and storing data
  • 5V/2.5A DC power input
  • Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) support (requires separate PoE HAT)

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

Education, Linux, Open Source, Operating Systems, Programming, Raspberry Pi Comments Off on New Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ Released

Debian 9.4 Released

Debian Project has just released Debian 9.4.

Debian is a free operating system (OS) for your computer. An operating system is the set of basic programs and utilities that make your computer run. Debian uses the Linux kernel (the core of an operating system), but most of the basic OS tools come from the GNU project; hence the name GNU/Linux.

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

Linux, Open Source, Operating Systems Comments Off on Debian 9.4 Released

What is the default behaviour of method writeString of MQMessage for Java?

Paul Titheridge has posted a blog item over at developerWorks with the title “What is the default behaviour of the IBM MQ classes for Java method MQMessage.writeString(String)?”:

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

IBM i (OS/400), IBM MQ, Java, Linux, Programming, Unix, Windows, z/OS Comments Off on What is the default behaviour of method writeString of MQMessage for Java?

Levels of JRE and GSkit bundled with IBM MQ

IBM has posted a support note regarding the levels of JRE and GSkit bundled with IBM MQ

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

IBM MQ, Java, JMS, Linux, Security, Unix, Windows Comments Off on Levels of JRE and GSkit bundled with IBM MQ

Creating a Standard for MQ Messages to/from SQLite DB

Yesterday, I wrote about MQ Messages to/from SQLite DB which are a pair of utilities for offloading and loading messages to/from SQLite database.

I thought it would be a good idea to publish what I designed so that other vendors, companies or users can easy use the standard.

First, the SQL to create the table is:

                             Report             INT,
                             MsgType            INT,
                             Expiry             INT,
                             Feedback           INT,
                             Encoding           INT,
                             CodedCharSetId     INT,
                             Priority           INT,
                             Persistence        INT,
                             BackoutCount       INT,
                             PutApplType        INT,
                             MsgSeqNumber       INT,
                             Offset             INT,
                             MsgFlags           INT,
                             OriginalLength     INT,
                             Format             CHAR(8),
                             ReplyToQ           CHAR(48),
                             ReplyToQMgr        CHAR(48),
                             UserIdentifier     CHAR(12),
                             ApplIdentityData   CHAR(32),
                             PutApplName        CHAR(28),
                             PutDate            CHAR(8),
                             PutTime            CHAR(8),
                             ApplOriginData     CHAR(4),
                             MsgId              BLOB,
                             CorrelId           BLOB,
                             AccountingToken    BLOB,
                             GroupId            BLOB,
                             Data               BLOB );

I like the KISS principle, so the name of the table is “IBM_MQ_MESSAGES”. Clean and obvious. The column names are directly from the MQMD structure in cmqc.h file.

    Column layout for the table:

  • The MQMD MQLONG fields are all INT (32-bit) columns for SQLite.
  • The MQMD MQCHAR fields are all CHAR(*) columns for SQLite.
  • The MQMD MQBYTE fields are all BLOB columns for SQLite.
  • The message data (payload) is stored as BLOB column in SQLite.

The naming standard for the SQLite database file is based on the queue manager’s name, the queue name and the current day’s date.


  • QMgrName is the name of the source MQ queue manager
  • QueueName is the name of the source MQ queue
  • YYYY_MM_DD is the current year, month and day.

For a file extension, I decided to create a uniquely identifyible file extension called ‘mqsdb’. Now, I could have gone with a more standard file extension like ‘db’ or ‘sqlite’ but I wanted something more descriptive that would clearly identify the file’s purpose.

Next, reducing the database size or attempting to keep it as small as possible. Hence, any MQMD field that was either all blank or null, I set the table column to null for that record. This is done for all 9 CHAR fields and 5 BLOB fields.

/* Is the Format field all blank? */
if (memcmp(pMD->Format, MQFMT_NONE, MQ_FORMAT_LENGTH) == 0)
   sqlite3_bind_null(hStmt, 16);
   sqlite3_bind_text(hStmt,  16, pMD->Format, MQ_FORMAT_LENGTH, SQLITE_STATIC);

/* Is the CorrelId field all null? */
if (memcmp(pMD->CorrelId, MQCI_NONE, MQ_CORREL_ID_LENGTH) == 0)
   sqlite3_bind_null(hStmt, 26);
   sqlite3_bind_blob(hStmt, 26, (char *)&(pMD->CorrelId), MQ_CORREL_ID_LENGTH, SQLITE_STATIC);

So, in theory, if the Format field is blank or the CorrelId field is null, then by setting the column field to null, it should save disk space.

Finally, reading the SQLite database where certain columns may or may not be null.

/* Retrieve the Format field, is it null? */
p = (char *)sqlite3_column_text(hStmt,  15);
if (p != NULL)
   memcpy(md.Format, p, MQ_FORMAT_LENGTH);

/* Retrieve the CorrelId field, is it null? */
p = (char *)sqlite3_column_blob(hStmt, 25);
if (p != NULL)
   memcpy(md.CorrelId, p, MQ_CORREL_ID_LENGTH);

So there you have it, a new MQ Messages to SQLite database standard that I hope everyone will adopt. 🙂

Now, for those people who REALLY like to read code, please don’t get your shorts in a knot because the column numbers are different between writing and reading the database. It is one of those quirks in SQLite. For sqlite3_bind_* API calls, the column number begin with ‘1’ whereas for sqlite3_column_* API calls, the column number begin with ‘0’. Hence, that is why they differ by 1 and it is something you just need to remember. 🙂

Maybe some time in the near future, I’ll write another blog posting on how to handle this new MQ Messages to SQLite database standard from Java.

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

C, Capitalware, Database, IBM i (OS/400), IBM MQ, Linux, MQ Message Replication, Open Source, Programming, Unix, Windows Comments Off on Creating a Standard for MQ Messages to/from SQLite DB

MQ Messages to/from SQLite DB

Capitalware has an MQ solution called MQ Message Replication (MQMR).

MQ Message Replication will clone messages being written (via MQPUT or MQPUT1 API calls) to an application’s output queue and MQMR will write the exact same messages to ‘n’ target queues (‘n’ can be up to 100). When MQMR replicates a message both the message data and the message’s MQMD structure will be cloned. This means that the fields of the MQMD structure (i.e. PutTime, MessageId, CorrelId, UserId, etc..) will be exactly the same as the original message’s MQMD structure.

I have always left it up to the customer to decide what to do with and/or how to offload replicated messages in the target queue(s). There are probably 100 solutions for extracting messages in a queue and writing the information to a file: Capitalware has solutions, other vendors have products, SupprtPacs and even the new dmpmqmsg program included with IBM MQ. These are all fine tools to get the job done and of course, I prefer my tools which use VEQ format that I created a very long time ago (and is published here).

Over this past weekend, I got the bright idea to create the 101st solution for offloading and loading MQ messages to and from an SQLite database. I will include the solution with MQMR for free – an extra little bonus for customers. 🙂

Why bother? Well, it is nice to have MQ messages as records in a database table. It allows the user to do what ever they want to the MQMD header and/or the message data. There are lots of SQLite tools to manage/interact with an SQLite database. Plus, an SQLite database is a single file. So, a user can quickly compress/zip the file and move it another server without any issues.

I like the KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) principle. So rather than have 1 program do both loading and unloading of messages, I broke it up into 2 light-weight programs. Ok, light-weight may be a bit of an understatement since they both have MQ and database calls. 🙂

  • MQ Queue To SQLite DB (MQ2SDB) program will offload MQ messages to an SQLite database.
  • SQLite DB To MQ Queue (SDB2MQ) program will load SQLite database rows into messages in an MQ queue.

I decided to write these 2 programs in C rather than Java. I like to mix things up. 🙂 I’ll do builds of them on AIX, HP-UX, IBM i, Linux, Solaris and Windows.

Both programs can be run from the command line or as an MQ Service. I would strongly suggest that people run MQ2SDB program as an MQ Service on the same queue manager where MQMR is configured as an MQ API Exit. Hence, when the queue manager is started, MQ2SDB will write MQ messages to the SQLite database right away.

MQ2SDB program will create the database file based on the queue manager’s name, the queue name and the current day’s date.

When retrieving MQ messages and writing them to an SQLite database, MQ2SDB program will automatically roll to the next file at midnight (or when the next message arrives after midnight).

Here’s a screen-shot of DB Browser for SQLite with an SQLite database table that contains 100 records (messages). Click to see a larger image of it.

By default, when the SDB2MQ program is run, it will load all of the records in the database table as messages into the specified queue. The SDB2MQ program has 2 optional parameters (StartPosition and RowCount) to control where to start the load and how many records to load as messages into the queue.

If you interesting in trying it out, please send an email to to request a trial of MQ Message Replication with these new extra tools.

Note: If people are interested in offload/load messages to/from an SQLite database then I will extend this feature into MQ Visual Edit, MQ Visual Browse and MQ Batch Toolkit.

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

Capitalware, Database, IBM i (OS/400), IBM MQ, Linux, MQ Message Replication, Unix, Windows Comments Off on MQ Messages to/from SQLite DB

MQ Messages and GDPR – What are you doing about it?

What is GDPR? From Wikipedia:

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) is a regulation by which the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission intend to strengthen and unify data protection for all individuals within the European Union (EU). It also addresses the export of personal data outside the EU. The GDPR aims primarily to give control back to citizens and residents over their personal data and to simplify the regulatory environment for international business by unifying the regulation within the EU.[1] When the GDPR takes effect, it will replace the data protection directive (officially Directive 95/46/EC)[2] of 1995. The regulation was adopted on 27 April 2016. It becomes enforceable from 25 May 2018 after a two-year transition period and, unlike a directive, it does not require national governments to pass any enabling legislation, and is thus directly binding and applicable.

May 25th, 2018 is only 3 months away. For those companies in the EU and any company that interacts with EU residences, what have you done to protect IBM MQ messages that contain personal data?

  • Is the message data encrypted?
  • Are the channels between queue managers using encryption?
  • Are the channels between client applications and the queue managers using encryption?
  • When client applications connect to a remote queue manager, are the client connections authenticated?

Capitalware has created and sells a variety of MQ solutions that solve the above listed questions:

* MQME does have support for Pub/Sub encryption. Several customers have been testing and using it for about 9 months. I just haven’t made the official announcement.

And if your company’s auditors want to know ‘who is doing what in MQ’, we also have created and sell the following MQ solutions:

Roger Lacroix
Capitalware Inc.

Capitalware, IBM i (OS/400), IBM MQ, Linux, MQ Message Encryption, Security, Unix, Windows Comments Off on MQ Messages and GDPR – What are you doing about it?