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MQ Channel Auto Creation Manager

MQCACM logoThe MQ Channel Auto Creation Manager (MQCACM) is an MQ Channel Auto-Definition (MQ CHAD) exit that allows a company to control and restrict incoming connection requests to auto-create a channel. MQCACM is invoked when a request is received to start an undefined Receiver, Server-Connection, Cluster-Receiver or Cluster-Sender channel. MQCACM can modify or clear the supplied default channel definition values for an instance of the channel, so that there is no exit incompatibility (cross-platform or otherwise).

MQCACM will operate with IBM MQ v7.1, v7.5, v8.0, v9.0, v9.1, v9.2, v9.3 and v9.4 in Windows, Unix, IBM i and Linux environments. It works with Server Connection, Receiver, Cluster-Receiver and Cluster-Sender channels of IBM MQ queue manager.

MQ Set UserID

MQsui logoThe MQ Set UserID (MQSUI) is a solution that allows a company the ability to explicitly set a UserID via a MQ Channel's Send, Receive or Message Exit.

MQSUI will operate with IBM MQ v7.1, v7.5, v8.0, v9.0, v9.1, v9.2, v9.3 and v9.4 in Windows, Unix, IBM i and Linux environments. It works with Server Connection, Receiver, Cluster-Receiver and Cluster-Sender channels of IBM MQ queue manager.

Client-side Security Exit for Depository Trust Clearing Corporation

sx4dtcC logoThe Client-side Security Exit for Depository Trust Clearing Corporation (SX4DTC2) is a solution that allows a company to perform verification with a Depository Trust Clearing Corporation queue manager.

SX4DTC2 will operate with IBM MQ v7.1, v7.5, v8.0, v9.0, v9.1, v9.2, v9.3 and v9.4 in Windows, Unix, IBM i and Linux environments. It works with Sender, Server, and Cluster-Sender channels of IBM MQ queue manager.

World Clocks

World Clocks logoThe World Clocks (WC) application allows the user to quickly view the time and date from various time zones from around the world. WC can display as many time zones that will fit on the user’s display.

MQ Channel Auto Creation Manager for z/OS

MQCACM logoThe MQ Channel Auto Creation Manager for z/OS (z/MQCACM) is an MQ Channel Auto-Definition (MQ CHAD) exit that allows a company to control and restrict incoming connection requests to auto-create a channel. MQCACM is invoked when a request is received to start an undefined Receiver, Server-Connection, Cluster-Receiver or Cluster-Sender channel. MQCACM can modify or clear the supplied default channel definition values for an instance of the channel, so that there is no exit incompatibility (cross-platform or otherwise).

z/MQCACM will operate with IBM MQ v7.1, v8.0, v9.0, v9.1, v9.2, v9.3 and v9.4 for z/OS environments. It works with Cluster-Receiver and Cluster-Sender channels of IBM MQ queue manager.

MQ Set UserID for z/OS

MQSUI logoThe MQ Set UserID for z/OS (z/MQSUI) is a solution that allows a company the ability to explicitly set a UserID via a MQ Channel's Send, Receive or Message Exit.

z/MQSUI will operate with IBM MQ v7.1, v8.0, v9.0, v9.1, v9.2, v9.3 and v9.4 for z/OS environments. It works with Cluster-Receiver and Cluster-Sender channels of IBM MQ queue manager.

Client-side Security Exit for Depository Trust Clearing Corporation for z/OS

sx4dtcc logoThe Client-side Security Exit for Depository Trust Clearing Corporation for z/OS (z/SX4DTC2) is a solution that allows a company to perform verification with a Depository Trust Clearing Corporation queue manager for z/OS.

z/SX4DTC2 will operate with IBM MQ v7.1, v8.0, v9.0, v9.1, v9.2, v9.3 and v9.4 for z/OS environments. It works with Sender, Server, and Cluster-Sender channels of IBM MQ queue manager for z/OS.