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MQ Message Compression Overview

MQMC logo The MQ Message Compression v1.0.0 (MQMC) is a solution that provides compression for MQ message data while it resides in a queue or topic and in the MQ logs (i.e. all data at rest). Data compression is the process of modifying and/or converting the structure of bits of data so that it consumes less space in memory and/or on disk.

Question: Would you trade a little CPU time to drastically reduce the disk I/O time?

Each queue in a queue manager is assigned two buffers to hold messages (one for persistent messages and one for non-persistent messages). The persistent queue buffer size is specified using the tuning parameter DefaultPQBufferSize. The non-persistent queue buffer size is specified using the tuning parameter DefaultQBufferSize.

Here’s the process of the queue manager handling an application putting a message to a queue:

Here’s the process of the queue manager handling an application getting a message from a queue:

Persistent messages are always written to the recovery log files.

Here is a screen-shot from Chris Frank’s MQ Technical Conference 2016 session called: More Mysteries of the MQ Logger (page 9) that provides a high-level view of disk I/O.

In the picture, the solid line shows the queue manager writing the messages to the recovery log files. The dotted lines mean that the message may or may not be written to the queue file. See the above for the scenarios of when/why the queue manager would write a message to the queue file.

The goal of MQMC is to improve the disk I/O (Input/Output) speed by compressing the message data when the queue manager is writing to the queue buffers, queue backing files and the recovery log files.

MQMC is an MQ API Exit that operates with IBM MQ v7.1, v7.5, v8.0, v9.0, v9.1, v9.2, v9.3 and v9.4 in Windows, Unix, IBM i (OS/400) and Linux platforms.

On AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris and Windows, MQMC can be configured and used with a non-default installation of MQ in a multi-install MQ environment.

MQMC includes an auxiliary program called: testcmprsn. The testcmprsn program allows the end-user to test various types of messages to see which types of messages would benefit from message compression.

Here’s an example of testcmprsn program being run against a 9.17MB XML file (huge file):

~/test> ./testcmprsn very_lrg_msg.xml
testcmprsn version (Linux64) {Oct  3 2020}

very_lrg_msg.xml size is 9614354 (9.17MB)
Time taken to perform memcpy() is 4.8770ms

Algorithm               Compressed      Compression     Compression     Decompression
                           Size         Time in ms        Ratio           Time in ms
LZ4                 112253 (109.62KB)       3.4830       85.65 to 1         2.9540
LZMA Fast            32872 (32.10KB)      108.4230      292.48 to 1        11.0730
LZMA Best            27675 (27.03KB)     1152.6960      347.40 to 1        10.6730
LZW                 287184 (280.45KB)     203.0840       33.48 to 1        80.8820
RLE               13213500 (12.60MB)       28.1200        0.73 to 1        26.2680
ZLIB Fast           240612 (234.97KB)      28.3140       39.96 to 1        11.2530
ZLIB Best            83375 (81.42KB)       88.5010      115.31 to 1         8.4590
testcmprsn is ending.

MQMC Summary


Operating System
MQ v7.1, v7.5, v8.0, v9.0, v9.1, v9.2, v9.3, & v9.4
AIX v7.1 or higher 32-bit & 64-bit
IBM i v7.1 or higher 64-bit
HP-UX IA64 v11.23 or higher 32-bit & 64-bit
Linux x86 32-bit
Linux x64 32-bit & 64-bit
Linux on POWER 32-bit & 64-bit
Linux on System z (zSeries) 31-bit & 64-bit
Raspberry Pi (ARM) 32-bit
Solaris SPARC v10 & v11 32-bit & 64-bit
Solaris x64 v10 & v11 32-bit & 64-bit
Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 & 11 32-bit & 64-bit
Windows Server 2008, 2012, 2016, 2019 & 2022 32-bit & 64-bit


Product Price (USD) * Ordering
MQ Message Compression (per license**) $299.00  
Yearly maintenance and support fee 15%  
Total $344.00

* Volume discounts available for as low as $199.00 USD per license plus 15% yearly maintenance and support fee.

** MQ Message Compression is licensed on a per queue manager basis.

Enterprise License for MQ Message Compression:
Enterprise License for MQ Message Compression sells for $55,000 USD plus 15% yearly maintenance and support fee. An enterprise license will allow a company to have unlimited number of queue managers use MQ Message Compression at an unlimited number of locations.